  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Tianxiao Xiang


Tianxiao Xiang was born in 1960s in Hubei Province. He has received a number of poetry awards in China and published eight books of poetry, including Lonely Rose, The Inner Light.


Qi Yue Ye Zi


Qi Yue Ye Zi, poet and translator. She is the director of World Federation of Youth Literary Arts and a member of Baoji Writers Association. Her Chinese and English works have won numerous awards. She has published works in the major journals, including Star Literature and World Youth Journal.


Nam Co Lake

起伏的群山,像伸展的双臂环绕着你,呵护着你 经年不化的雪,像挺拔的乳峰,闪耀着迷人的光泽 我如同迟到的信徒,听从你悲悯的感召 就这样静静地躺在你的怀抱里 静静地看着你静静的白、静静的蓝、静静的绿 油画般的天地里,我看到自己的内心也安静如湖 有风吹过,也是慢慢地涌动,不急不躁 这么多年来,你还能一尘不染 固守着一方净水,神圣不可侵犯 走近你,慢慢地变得心静如水、纯净如水 无论是蝶、还是鸥鸟,愿意为你放弃飞翔 宽阔的水面,一帆未过,千帆已尽 像多年前的红帆船一样,停泊在远方 让我魂牵梦绕,像五彩的经幡日夜飞扬


Like outstretched arms, rolling hills embrace and care for you . Like raised nipples, years of unmelted snowcaps glisten beautifully. Like a late believer, I hear your sad call. Lying peacefully in your arms Silently watching your motionless white,motionless blue, and motionless green Like in an oil painting, I feel my inner heart turn quiet as Lake The wind blows, slowly flowing, unhurried All these years, you are still spotless Holding to your clean waters, sacred and inviolable You approach,my heart slowly becomes calm as water, pure as water Whether butterfly, or gull, all are willing to give up soaring for you On the open water, a sail has not yet crossed, thousands have already gone by Like the red sailboat anchored in the distance years ago, Making me dream,like colorful prayer flags fluttering day and night

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