  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Zixiang Bi


Zixiang Bi was born in 1969. He is the executive editor of Mingguang Literature. He has published poetry in a number of journals and two books of poetry.


Fengxian Cao


Fengxian Cao has got a master’s degree in English and works as a high school English teacher.


Clear Moonlight

一 一束被酒精浸渍的月光 掠过奇异持久之美 体内有水火相逼 夜色般的乌发描摹西风形状 忧郁的眼神很黄昏 纤细的腰肢 如彼时大宋王朝的命运 危险地过渡 善良的黄花失声喊出 声声慢 二 易安何易 当爱情理想跌落为 水中碎银 颠沛流离的生活 使体内的水分大量散逸 离愁国恨的疾风袭来 一束枯瘦的月光何以把持 唯有酒精助燃暗弱的热望 唯有险词绝句才能 啸出满怀犀利的愁苦 醉卧花阴 权且典卖健康 买来一小段无忧时光 三 空中的邮递员没能捎来 供暖的锦书 空投下的却是几声 含霜的凄鸣 眉蹙愁怨 相思是种难愈的心绞痛 爱人的微笑是唯一的 速效救心丸 一剪梅颤栗数滴 殷红的煎熬 四 听说双溪的春天晚熟 水面上的舴艋时值青春期 正被孤独与空虚困扰 它渴望一束芬芳的月光 平衡躁动 只是不知高浓缩的愁绪 非航空母舰不能承载 武陵春梦昙花一现 残忍到不能再残忍 五 酒精浸渍的月光 易于保鲜 近千年后依然皎洁如初 在诗词天空 她将婉约阴柔之美 张扬到了极致 月光清照 遍地丛生仰慕的阳光


I A bunch of moonlight dipped in alcohol Flashing unusual but lasting beauty Fire and water meet in the body Hair darkened by night floating in the west wind Melancholic looks like dusk Slim waist Like the fate of the Song dynasty Suffering in danger An innocent poet can’t help crying out sound sound slow II How to describe change in you, Yi’an Pursuit of love reduced to Broken silver in water Wandering around and tasting hardship Makes the internal moisture fly away With strong winds of distress and hate for country How to control a bunch of thin moonlight Only alcohol lights up the slightest desires Only sharp and fantastic words can Roar the unbearable distress swelling in your heart Lying drunk in the shade of flowers Despite health being hocked temporarily Only for a short time free from anxiety III The postman can't bring Warm letters But several sad sounds Containing frost Between eyebrows, worries and complaints Lovesickness is a heart attack beyond cure Lover's smile is the only Quick pill for rescuing the heart A plum trembles, dropping Dark red torture IV The spring in Shuangxi is late A locust bounding in water is its adolescence Bothered by loneliness and being hollow It longs for a bunch of fragrant moonlight To comfort restlessness But does not know the concentration of gloom Only an aircraft carrier can bear it away A spring love story in Wuling There is nothing cruler V Moonlight soaked in alcohol Easily stays fresh As bright and clear before as a thousand years later In the world of poetry She uses restraint and gentle beauty to publicize to the utmost clear moonlight Admirable eyes breaking out everywhere

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