  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Nannan Huo


Nannan Huo is a member of Henan Writers Association. She has published many poems in journals and newspapers and won prizes in poetry.


Nannan Huo


Small Town Street at 4AM

四点,一小点城市被鸡鸣叫醒 极浅的光线四下穿射,找寻突破口 几只猛兽合着眼歪斜在街道两旁 引擎已冷 垃圾零散着纷纷摊开了斑驳的尸身 象被这城市吃掉的棋子等待浴火重生 一只花猫开始淘金,它的双臂生满了肉刺 在春天里日夜疼痛,寝食难安 摩托车呼啸而过,环卫工人刚刚打了个喷嚏 它与一位诗人的哈欠几乎同步,又预示了 另一场春雨的喜悦她的扫把和她的词语一起 与大地摩擦试图点燃星火 她的双脚与她的句子 一直在这条街道上前进和丈量,使得黑暗也悄悄的 加紧了步伐,它的影子被路灯拉长 最终也将与灯光一起消失


Four clock in the morning, a small town awakes to roosters, dim light radiates in the dark night, looking for a way out. several monsters eyes shut slanted along the street, engines cold. trash scattered piece by piece expose their colourful bodies like a chessman gobbled up by the city and waiting for ceremonial revival. a black cat, digs for gold, with painful thorns stuck in both arms, in pain on a spring night, uneasy a motorcycle roars by, the street cleaner sneezes, and a poet yawns, nearly in step, predicting how the happy spring rain drops, the worker's sweeping broom, and the poet's sentences, rub the ground together to create sparks, her two feet and sentences keep measuring and moving forward on the street, forcing the darkness to quietly quicken its pace, shadows grow longer under the street lights, eventually they'll disappear together.

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