  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Oyku Tekten

Oyku Tekten is a poet, translator, and essayist from Turkey. Her work has been published in Monokl, EdebiyatElestiri, KarsinEdebiyat, and Yaratim. She currently lives in New York City, where she is pursuing a graduate degree in Middle Eastern Studies.

欧库为一位来自土耳其的女诗人、翻译家和散文家。她的作品出现于著名的土耳其文学刊物如EdebiyatElestiri, KarsinEdebiyat和 Yaratim,以及国际知名英、土、法文地哲学和理论的Monokl期刊。目前她居住于纽约市,正就读於纽约市立大学研究中心中东研究所。


Chia-ju Chang

Chia-ju Chang teaches at the department of Modern Languages and Literatures at Brooklyn College, CUNY. Courses she teaches include translation, literature and film. Her scholarly and research interests include literary and poetry translation, animal literary and cultural studies, ecocriticism, ecofeminism, ecocritical (or green) cultural and film studies, Buddhist environmental ethics and Zen aesthetics. She has published several scholarly articles in both Chinese and English in different academic journals as well as scholarly anthologies. Her poetry translation has been published in Poetry Sky, ISLE (Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment).

Memory Of A Distant Land


I. someonecallsyou and yougo in yourmind stillplansforreturn a mournfulfather and short poems whosaidthataffectionwillhurtitselfoneday? a voicedistant fromspacesthroughwhichseasons and a darkmomentpass perhapsitwasmyvoice perhapsthatwasthelongestsentence I made when I was a dark-eyedchild perhaps no onehaddied or I hadnotknownsuch a thingyet itmusthavebeenlikethis, I cannotrememberwell! II wetookanagedferrytogotoanisland I cameallthewayfromsomesickchild’sheart youhadgivenyourlifewrappedinside a candy toanother, that’swhyyoudidnotspeak that’showwesawthewindnaked runningaftersomethingthatdidnotbreathebutdidexist therewasthiscomplicitybetweenthewind and thelife insideus standing likeanapplehalf-eatenhalf-decayed theislanddidnothave a nameuntilwearrivedthere wewantedtoforgetallthenamesincludingours thenwewantedtoremembersomecertainnames weusedtorecover fromthelosses of dayslonggone fromthelifewrappedinside a candy fromthesickness of a heartthatmadethestone more stoney bougainvillea, said a woman while I was holding yourhand likethisflower, sorrowdefoliates in autumn itssmellcarveshollowshapesintotheearth likeanoldmancarvingelephants out of wood withoutmemory withoutheart withouteyes in front of a hut in a fardryforgottenland a landthatsomecallit home somenowhere III back home wesat in thebalcony yousaidonedaybalconiesalso die wedrankwinewhilethinking how a mournfulbalconydies o u t o f s o r r o w thenwedrankthesilenceout of thedying wesaidnothingbut a long ah! wethenwentinside and madelovewiththeafternoon light dideverythinghappen in thiswaybecauseyousaid so? thatwasthelast time wesawthatbalcony butyoukeepcarvingstoneseverysummer until a tremblingtreeshedsitsleaves as if a desertedmanwerepassingby in thestreet as if a deadelephantweretalkingtohimself aboutsomething he misses somethingratherthanlife somethingmuchbiggerthanlife itmusthavebeenlikethis, i cannotrememberwell!


I 你受召唤而离去 内心 仍欲归返 悲郁的父亲 和几首短诗 谁说感情有天会自残? 遥远的声音 来自四季与黑暗时刻通越的空间 也许是我的声音 也许是我说过最长的一句话 当我还是乌黑亮眼的小孩 没有死亡 或者我什么都还不懂 应该是这样 已记不清 II 我们乘坐老渡轮去一座海岛 我不远千里从一个你献出生命被包在糖里的受创之童心, 到另一颗心,那就是因此你沉默不语 我们也就是那样的看著赤裸的风 在追逐某个没有呼吸却存在的东西 风和生命有着杂而微妙的关系 深植在我们心中如一半边被咬去半边腐烂的苹果 此岛在我们到达前是无名岛 我们想忘记所有的名字,包括我们自己的 但又想记住某些名字 我们已 从那逝去已久的日子里 从糖衣包裹着的生命里 从那因受创而变得更铁石心肠之心 慢慢恢复过来 九重葛,一个女子说 正当我握你手之际 悲伤犹如此花在秋季凋零 无形的气味钻入大地 如同一位老人从木头里 雕刻出一只象 没有回忆 没有情感 没有眼睛 在一片被人遗忘遥远的干燥土地的小屋面前 有人称之为家乡 有人称之为乌有地 III 我们回来后坐在阳台上 你说有天阳台也会死去 我们一边畅饮一边思考 哀痛的阳台如何死 於哀恸 我们因死亡而沉默的畅饮 无声中只长驻一声叹息! 而后我们回房与午后的阳光一同翻云覆雨 一切发生如斯只缘你如此说? 是否一切都应你所说而这样发生? 那是我们最后一次看到那阳台 每年夏天你仍雕刻着石头 直到叶子从颤抖的树上飘然落下 宛如被遗弃的男人游荡过闹市 宛如一只死去的大象跟自己嘀咕 关于一些他失去的东西 一些非关生命的东西 一些比生命还大的东西 一定是这样子, 我已记不清了!

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