  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson


学枫,原名蔡家梁 ,新加坡公民 。毕业於新加坡南洋理工大学会计系 ,现任一间跨国公司财务总监 。学生时代任联合早报通讯员 ,现任新加坡作家协会理事 ,作品散见於报刊和文艺刊物上 。1991年获得新加坡金狮奖(散文组) ,2011年获得新加坡金笔奖(新诗组),著有散文集《摘心罗汉》(1997)。

Xue Feng, name Chua Kay Liang, graduated from the Nanyang Technological University, is currently the Chief Financial Officer of an MNC. He started as a youth correspondent with Singapore Press: Lianhe Zaobao in the late 90's. Xue Feng won the Golden Lion literary Award in 1991, the Golden Point Award in 2011. His first collection of essays, Stealing Heart was published in 1997. He currently serves as the Vice President of the Singapore Association of Writers.


Chong Min Ting


The Passage of Time

黑黄德士卷起了岁月风沙 童年没有留白的剧情 携带了两粒鸡蛋在路边炒馃条摊上点缀记忆 萋萋草丛中咱们窥探着叶片间蜘蛛的秘密 放眼 笑弯了椰树的腰 邻里流动的铃响总是驱走午后的睡意 冰淇淋车前垂涎着几分甜蜜 孩提的风景攀到红毛丹枝上增添色彩 太阳掉下西边那口井点醒了灯火荧荧 黑白电视机召集一家团聚在锌板屋的大厅 地铁快速驶入空调的温度 赤道的童年已不再认识爬树 丰裕的汉堡包夹住馋爱的童稚嘴脸 幼龄在云朵里蹦跳着假日的领域 起飞 缩短国家和国家的距离 钢琴声扬长了楼屋的下午 黑白键上努力着专业的姿势 孩子把黄昏拍打成洋洋的网球 不在乎女娲补不补天嫦娥奔不奔月 房里荧屏幕前小孩各自专注的网络童年世界


A black and yellow cab curls up the sands of time My childhood tells a story, with not a moment of dullness At the roadside Char Kway Teow stall, the pair of eggs we brought along whet my appetite and ornament my memory In the bushes, in between the leaves, we discovered the secret of spiders We marvelled at the coconut trees swaying and bowing in laughter The melody of ringing bell dispersed afternoon sleepiness We salivated on the sweetness brought along by the motorcycle selling ice-cream My childhood's scenery was adorned by the branches of the Rambutan tree The sun fell into the well in the west and awakened the shimmering bulbs Under the zinc roof, the black and white television drew the family into the living room Then came the MRT rushing into the temperature of air conditioning Children on the equator know not about climbing trees Their gluttonous faces are stuffed with rich hamburgers They hop on clouds, the world under their feet for the holidays The plane taking off converges the distance between countries Music from the piano causes the neighborhood afternoon to linger Little fingers tapping on the black and white keyboard, striving to reach perfection Children adorn dusk with high-flying tennis balls It doesn't matter if Nu Wa mends the sky, or into the Moon, Chang Er flies In the rooms of high-rises, computers engross children in their own world web

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