  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson


秋梦,本名陈友权,又名陈学培,一九四三年出生。曾就读于越南万幸文科大学文学系及英语中心。企业家, 业余从事诗、诗论及翻译等写作。作品除了在本地的文艺版发表外,并发表于海外的《创世纪》等诗刊及大马、澳洲文艺园地。现居越南。

Qiu Meng, originally Tang Vinh Thanh. Born in 1943, attending school in Vietnam. He is an entrepreneur who spends his spare time on writing and translating. His works have appeared on a number of poetry journals in Taiwan, Vietnam, Australia, Malaysia and the United States. He lives in Vietnam.




A Performance Of The Sun

一大清早起来 就带着一脸的酡颜 是否昨夜的酒醉 仍带微醺 你没有从地平线 跚跚走来 却以虹的步姿 踽踽迈过 那幕湛蓝 在大地舞台上 终究演出 芸芸众生的 悲喜剧 从起站到终站 故事演出 就在那幕湛蓝 虽说你命运多舛 忍受风雨霁云 的阻隔 电闪雷殛 的冲击 不像你九个 宿命的兄弟 惨遭射下的厄运 而你, 侥倖避过 当日后羿的一箭 劫后馀生 故事演出 就在那幕湛蓝 二十四小时一转瞬 足可使蜉蝣演尽一生 到底百年的人生昵 能有多少齣剧演出 ? 而你啊, 在宇宙间还有多久 运行?


Waking early A flushed face Was it from drinking last night Still lightly intoxicated? You do not stagger Down the horizon But with a rainbow's gait Stride alone on a screen of azure blue On Earth's stage You finally perform All beings' tragicomedy From start to finish A story played out On that screen of azure blue Though they say You are ill-fated Suffering the barriers of storms, clouds and blizzard Bearing the thunder and lightning Unlike your nine brothers Tragically shot down in their misfortune And you, fortunately avoid an arrow Shot by Hou-Yi that day A calamity survived A story played out On that screen of azure blue Twenty-four hours pass in the blink of an eye The life of a mayfly. A hundred years on earth for a human life How many plays could be shown? You, ah, how much time is left for the universe To revolve?| Note: Hou-Yi is name of a famous archer in Chinese legendary.

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