  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Hilde Domin

Hilde Domin (1909–2006) is the pseudonym of Hilde Palm (née L?wenstein), a German lyric poet and writer. She was among the most important German-language poets of her time. She has been awarded many prizes.

希尔德-多敏,德国当代著名犹太裔女诗人,她的诗是战后德国流亡文学的重要代表。多敏获得过海因里希-海涅文学奖、里尔克文学奖、奈丽-萨克斯文学奖等,出版诗集《只有一朵玫瑰支撑》(1959),《此地》(1964),《石窟画》 (1968)《我要你》(1970),《树依然开花》(1999)。除诗歌外,多敏还著有一部长篇、多部散文集以及自传类和文艺评论类文字。


Wang Yixiao


Wang Yixiao, pen name Yi Xiao. She has published two books of poetry, including Singing of Time (2011) and Never Forget the Paths We've Taken. Her poems have appeared in various magazines, including Poetry Selected in China. She lives in GuangZhou, China.

Autumn Eyes


Press yourself close to the ground. The earth still smells of summer and your body still smells of love. But the grass is already yellowed above you. The wind is cold and full of thistledown. And the dream which waylays you shadow-footed your dream has autumn eyes.


低伏 向地面 大地 依然散发着夏的气息 而你的身体 依然弥漫着爱意 但是这些青草 已在你上方泛黄 风变冷 空中飘满蓟绒 梦拦截你 阴影的脚 你的梦 有着秋的眼睛

Passing Landscape


We must be able to go away and yet be like a tree rooted in the earth standing fast while the landscape passes. We must hold our breath until the wind dies down and different air starts to encircle us until the play of light and shade of green and blue shows the old pattern and we are home wherever that may be and able to sit down and lean against it as if it were the gravestone of our mother.


我们必须得走了 但要像一棵树 将根扎入泥土 坚守,当风景穿过 我们必须屏住呼吸 直到风死去 而不同的曲调开始环绕我们 直到光的游戏和 深深浅浅的绿与蓝 给出古老的花样 我们回家了 无论哪里都可以 坐下来,斜倚着它 就好象它是 母亲的墓碑



Words are ripe pomegranates they fall to earth and open themselves. The inner will be turned outwards the fruit exposes its secret and shows its seed. A new secret.


词语是醇美可口的石榴 它们落向大地 崩开。 内部会朝外 果实暴露其秘密 呈现它的籽粒。 一个新的秘密。

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