  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Liqing Yu


Liqing Yu (originally Eileen Tang) was a licensed pharmacist in Taiwan. She moved to California in 1978. She has authored more than 40 books in Taiwan and China. She is also a cofounder and actively involved in volunteering work for Evergreen Education Foundation for years. Her works have been included in anthologies, and textbooks throughout Taiwan, China and abroad. She has been awarded numerous prizes for her essays, proses, poems and stories for children. Currently, she lives in Berkeley, CA.


T. C. Lee

李作昌,1936 年生于江西南昌市。1957年毕业于台大电机系,1964年于斯坦佛大学电机系获博士学位。之后在美国高科技工业界从事研发工作长达三十八年。退休以后,重拾年轻时对诗的喜爱,开始写作发表。

T. C. Lee was born in Nanchang, Kiangsi, China 1936. He graduated with B. S. degree from National Taiwan University and from Stanford University with Ph. D in 1964, both in Electrical Engineering. Then he worked in R&D with the high tech industry in US for thirty eight years. After retirement he devoted his long hobby and love in poetry and starting writing poems for several magazines.



之一 从你飘忽的眼神 我可以看见失去的已在远方 光亮与活泼 音符与战鼓 我曾经一再追寻 如今我坐在电视机前 为你织一件快要完工的毛衣 你说 注满了水的人生 其实也就是一面镜子 水花花的从眼下流逝 像光的碎片也像梦的火苖 我忽然明白 你想注满一桶水 而我 只想点燃一把火 之二 你是我的镜子 万里长城从那儿延伸而出 历史却像除不尽的小数点那样 被我草率地四舍五入了 当我想起 或许有一天 我也可能是你的镜子时 千山万水早已走过 山水没有重复的 只有历史像老照片一样 镜子里重复地出现 爱与诗 在一层看似镜子的玻璃门前 时常擦身而过 看见玻璃的人没有爱 看见镜子的人便没有了诗


(1) What I have lost resides in bygone days, This I can tell from the uncertain aura in your eyes. Yes, brightness, aliveness, music, and battle drums used to be pursued by me with a passion. These days I sit knitting in front of the television, for you the sweater is almost finished. You say a life filled with water is nothing but a mirror. The water flows away so rapidly, like optical fragments and dream-like sparks. Suddenly I begin to realize you only wish to fill a barrel with water; As for me I just want to light a fire. (2) You are my mirror. The Great Wall of China started there, long and winding. But history, like an unending decimal in an indivisible fraction, had been carelessly rounded off by me. When I get the thought that, maybe one of these days I shall become a mirror for you, many rivers and mountains have already been traversed. Alas, the mountains and the rivers have no replicas. Only history, like old photos repeatedly appears in the mirror. Love and poems often brush by the glass door that looks like a mirror. Those who see the glass do not love, and those who see the mirror compose poems no more.


Winter—Haiku Doublet

雪花飞来一片 (入怀乱) 及刻化为热泪 (给眼睛留下空白) 雪花难道也有死亡 (从心底溢出了雪花)


One snowflake glides across (Stirring my breast) Instantly turns into warm tears (Leaving my eyes blank) Snowflakes can also die (Flurries rush from the depths of my heart)

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