  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Lu Wei An

芦苇岸,笔名映晴,男,土家族,1971年生于贵州德江县,浙江省作家协会会员, 南湖区作家协会副主席。1989年开始公开发表作品,迄今已在《山花》《人民文学》《诗刊》《星星》《中国诗人》等数十家文学刊物发表诗歌、小说、散文、评论。1999年12月出版诗集《蓝色氛围》。有作品入选多种选本并曾多次获奖。

Lu Wei An, pen name Ying Qing, born in Dejiang, Guizhou in 1971. He is a member of Zhejiang Writers Association and vice-president of Nanhu Writers Association. Since 1989, he has published numerous poems and other works in dozens of literary journals. He has published a book of poetry Blue Atmosphere. His poems have been included in a number of anthologies and he has received many awards.


Na Shi



站在镜像前,我就是自己的镜子 毛边纸一样的面相,我知道 谁偷走了谁的什么 我死死地盯着放大镜,有一个字 始终模糊。句号勾销了旧心情 时光的背后,一直藏着一张脸 我不能判断,是你的,还是我的 突然有人喊:"老朋友!" 好像这一声就潜藏在第二根肋骨


Standing in front of a mirror image, I am my own mirror. My face, brown as bamboo paper, I understand who took whose things Peering into the reading glass, I find a word remains out of focus. The period cancels my old mood. Behind time rests a face, but whose, I can't decide. Is it yours? Is it mine? "Hey, man!" there comes a voice hidden beneath my second rib


A Flash of Compassion

车灯把下班的路带进黑暗。天气越来越凉了 热空调没能让把着方向盘的手变软 蜷缩在路边的几张枯叶,冻得只剩僵硬的脆响 我小心翼翼地驶过立交桥 就在突然的陌生感使我惊悚的瞬间 一个身影闪进视线,在黎明与黄昏中清扫垃圾的他 此刻再也没了干不完的劲 握着铁铲靠着桥墩睡着了,戴着毡帽的头 歪在肩上,一脸的安详、沉静 像他清扫过无数次的水泥路面 我多么希望他打着鼾声,马达似的轰鸣 我归心似箭,悲悯的念头一闪而过 两旁的行道树,黑黢黢的,一切都在快速消逝……


Car headlights lead the road home from work into darkness. The weather grows colder. The heater fails to warm and soften my hands holding the steering wheel. Several dead leaves have frozen, curled up, making sharp snapping sounds under the wheels. I drive carefully through the underpass. A sudden sense of strangeness terrifies me A figure breaks into my line of sight. A dawn and dusk street sweeper Has run out of energy He leans against a pier asleep, shovel in hand, a felt hat on his head, propped on a shoulder, his face serene and undisturbed like the cement road he sweeps day in and day out. How I wished he were snoring, as noisily as my engine! I am anxious to return, a flash of compassion passes through me Roadside trees, pitch dark, everything around me fades away...

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