  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Yu Jian

于坚,1954年出生于中国昆明。毕业于云南大学汉语言文学专业,现为云南师范大学文学院教授、主持西南联大新诗研究院。他的作品包括诗集《诗六十首》《于坚的诗》《便条集》 《诗集与图像》 《只有大海苍茫如幕》《彼何人斯》,诗学文集《还乡的可能性》以及散文集,随笔集和短篇小说等。作品已被翻译成多种语言并在数个国家出版诗集。他曾获鲁迅文学奖、台湾《联合报》新诗奖等多种诗歌奖。

Yu Jian was born in Kunming, China. He is a professor of Yunnan Normal University. He has published a number of books of poetry, proses and short stories. His poems have been translated into many languages and he has received many poetry awards.


Hua Wei


Hua Wei, born in 1972, a poetry translator who graduated from Nanjing University in 1994 and now works in a vocational and technical college. He began to translate poetry since 2005 and has translated many poems for poets in China and other countries.


On a Long Journey

我常常看见灯光 在山岗或荒野出现 有时它们一闪而过 有时老跟着我们 像一双含情脉脉的眼睛 穿过树林跳过水塘 蓦然间 又出现在山岗那边 这些黄的小星 使黑夜的大地 显得温暖而亲切 我真想叫车子停下 朝着它们奔去 我相信任何一盏灯光 都会改变我的命运 此后我的人生 就是另外一种风景 但我只是望着这些灯光 望着它们在黑暗的大地上 一闪而过 一闪而过 沉默不语 我们的汽车飞驰 黑洞洞的车厢中 有人在我身旁熟睡


I often watch lights flicker on a hill or in the wild sometimes they flash by sometimes they follow me like a pair of tender eyes passing through trees and skipping through ponds suddenly appearing beyond the hill these small yellow stars make the darkened earth feel warm and close I want to stop the car and run towards them I believe any light would change my destiny my life would look different then but I only watch these lights flicker and flash by on the darkened earth silently the car rushes on like the wind in a dark carriage someone sleeps soundly by my side

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