  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Weijie Zhuang


Weijie Zhuang, originally from southern Fujian in China, is a poet, writer, critic, calligrapher and Phd of literature residing in Australia. He graduated from Fujian Normal University majoring in Chinese language and literature, and is the visiting scholar of the Beijing University. He obtained post-doctoral position in Fudan University. He is now the professor of Chinese Department of Huaqiao University, part-time researcher of Jinan University, president and editor-in-chief of The International Chinese Press, and president of Australia Chinese Poets Association. He won a number of literary awards, such as the Theory Contribution Award of the 13th Bingxin Prize. His works and papers are included in hundreds of editions. Some of his poems have been included in Overseas Chinese Literature Reader. He has published more than ten books of poems, essays and papers and has been the chief editor for more than 50 books.


Weijie Zhuang



我的脑袋瓜 是一只 盛满方块字的瓶子 甫一学会点横竖撇捺 头顶的天空便闪烁星星之火 刚刚学会爬格子挖心思 腹部之地尽是丘壑云烟 走进社会站上讲台 张口闭口 信手拈来 都是那一个个充满 青铜气息和甲骨味道的 蜻蜓蝌蚪蝴蝶的家族们 四处横空飘浮 如今 我走出家园四海浪游 仍然依仗着一连串方块 四平八稳 踽踽独行 走出所有的陌生和街头 许多新鲜异味的东西 也因此与我 失之交臂 哦,我是一只装满方块意念 漫溢四流的瓶子


My brain is a bottle filled with square characters Upon learning the strokes The sky above my head flickers Upon learning to sling ink and probe my thoughts My chest becomes a cloudy mountain refuge I enter the world and take the podium My mouth opens and closes, hands fold and press Clans of dragonflies, butterflies and tadpoles, full of the breath of bronze and flavor of oracle bones filling the air Now, I wander far from home Still relying on columns of squares Steady as rock, I walk bent, alone Out of all strangeness and its many streets Because of this, opportunities slip by Ah, I am a bottle overflowing with square thoughts


Walking Out

走出国门闯荡外面世界 是从故乡出发的 走出故乡开始远行 是从乡间小路出发的 走出乡间小路进入都市 是从一座石头楼房出发的 走出一座石头楼房四处流浪 是从某个春天出发的 走出某个春天漂泊岁月 是从那年那月那日出发的 走出那年那月那日学会独立 是从母亲眼眸出发的 走出母亲眼眸感受生活 是从千叮咛万嘱咐出发的 千叮咛万嘱咐唤醒了我的内心 让所有的走出都感动得清晰可辨


Walking out of the country to wander abroad Is started from a hometown Walking out from a hometown to travel around Is started from a village lane Walking out of the village lane into the urban landscape Is started from a stone building Walking out of a stone building to stroll around Is started in spring Walking out in spring to drift through time Is started on that day of that year Walking out of that day to become independent Is started from the gaze of my mother Walking out of the gaze of my mother to experience life Is started from her pleading day and night Her pleading awakens my heart Making my wandering clear and distinct

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