  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Weijie Zhuang


Weijie Zhuang, originally from southern Fujian in China, is a poet, writer, critic, calligrapher and Phd of literature residing in Australia. He graduated from Fujian Normal University majoring in Chinese language and literature, and is the visiting scholar of the Beijing University. He obtained post-doctoral position in Fudan University. He is now the professor of Chinese Department of Huaqiao University, part-time researcher of Jinan University, president and editor-in-chief of The International Chinese Press, and president of Australia Chinese Poets Association. He won a number of literary awards, such as the Theory Contribution Award of the 13th Bingxin Prize. His works and papers are included in hundreds of editions. Some of his poems have been included in Overseas Chinese Literature Reader. He has published more than ten books of poems, essays and papers and has been the chief editor for more than 50 books.


Weijie Zhuang



那时 梦的天空 变成纯蓝一片 我枕着的空间 一枚银色的钻石 旋舞 闭住眼睛 是白昼 睁开眼睛 也是白昼 梦在浪迹后 蓦地 消失 剩下 不能久存的 记忆


At the time the sky of my dream Was azure blue The space where I lay my head a silver diamond whirling I closed my eyes and saw daylight I opened my eyes and again saw daylight After dream's wanderings it suddenly disappeared Leaving memories that cannot last long.



时光在褪色 灵魂在远离肉身 路边的树叶在肆意喘息 稀释的空气越来越薄 在头顶绕来绕去 整个夏天的傍晚 城市的脚步乱了分寸 或深或浅 没有规则 温情似乎疲倦 沉闷让夜变得晦湿 一份孤独无处安放 风卷不起涟漪 光找不到定点 推开夏夜的窗户 发现自己像无助的少年 置身边缘 独立苍茫


Time's color fades The soul departs the body Leaves by the road gasp wantonly Diluted air grows thinner and thinner Lingering above the head An entire summer evening When city footsteps scramble norms Now deep, now shallow, there is no standard Tender feelings seem tired Depression makes the night damp and gloomy Loneliness has nowhere to rest The wind rolls up no ripples The light finds no fixed location Opening the window of a summer night Only to find myself a helpless child Keeping to the margins alone, hazy

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