  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

George Elliott Clarke

George Elliott Clarke is an Africadian poet, celebrated for his poem-novels (Whylah Falls, Execution Poems, and I & I), plays/libretti (Beatrice Chancy and Trudeau: Long March / Shining Path), novel (George & Rue), and poetry (Blue, Black, and Red). Blessed with awards, appointments, and prizes, he is currently the 4th Poet Laureate of Toronto. His latest books are Illicit Sonnets & Traverse.



Anna Yin

星子安娜,Anna Yin中国湖南出生。99年移民加拿大,其英文诗多次获奖,其中包括 2005 年安省的“Ted Plantos 纪念奖”和2010 年和2013年 的“Martry文学奖“。星子著有五本诗集,包括《Wings Toward Sunlight》(2011)以及《Inhaling the Silence》(2013)。星子是加拿大诗人联盟安省代表,她工作和居住在安省的密西沙加。

Anna Yin was born in China and immigrated to Canada in 1999. Anna won the 2005 Ted Plantos Memorial Award, the 2010 MARTY Award, etc. She has published five books of poetry. Collections of her poetry Wings Toward Sunlight was published by Mosaic Press in 2011 and Inhaling the Silence was published in 2013. Anna is Ontario representative for the League of Canadian Poets. She works and lives in Mississauga, Ontario.

Au Tombeau de Keats


Language fabricates intimates: The very alphabet pledges incipient pleasantries— to rollick in letters, to kiss without kissing…. (Note the glib efficacy of the tongue at lying; or to indulge injurious prophesying; or, wielding a battering-ram limerick, to hurl a potentate off a pedestal.) Keats, I come to you as a back-page spectre, a wanton haunt, my unidentifiable shadow crossing over your lines, to find in Thee— beyond the grave’s beguiling caricature— arborescent headstone— Thy iconic Glamour that cancels the grave’s purgatorial visibility. Thou art never as marginal as a corpse, but sprout poems like gilded lilies— opaque ink jetting white sunlight— la dolce vita of Liberty— what flowers from your acreage— as vast as the (Roman) alphabet…. [Roma (Italia) 15 février mmxiv]


语言编制亲密: 字母表承诺最初的寒暄— 欢闹在文字里, 不用吻却已经亲吻。 (注意善于油腔滑调的舌头 撒谎, 或沉迷于损伤性的预言; 或者,舞动着重磅打油诗, 将统治者从其座位上掀倒。) 济慈,我成为最后一页的幽灵走向你, 肆意出没, 我无法辨认的身影 投在你的诗句上, 寻找古语“你”— 在坟墓诱人的描述之上— 树型石头头像— 你的偶像魅力 抵消着墓地的炼狱能见度。 你绝不象频临边缘如死尸, 却迸出镀金百合一般的诗句— 晦暗墨汁喷射着明亮阳光— (la dolce vita)甜蜜生活的自由— 什么样的花开在你的园地上— 和(罗马)字母一样浩瀚… [罗马(意大利)2014年2月15日]

Translated from the Spanish


Come, my love, come, this lonely, passionate Nova Scotian night. Your voice trembles like wings. Your bones whisper. Under the moon, I stroll The shadowed road, awaiting your dark eyes And sandaled feet. My love, if I have to, I will pace this blue town of white shadows And black water all night, if I have to.


来吧,我的爱,来吧,这寂寞的,充满激情 新斯科舍的夜晚。你的声音颤抖着像翅膀。 你的身骨在低语。月光下,我漫步于 撒满阴影的道路,等待你乌黑的眼眸 和踏着凉鞋的脚步。我的爱,如果必需这样, 我将整晚踱步在这白色阴影 和黑色水域的蓝色小镇上,如果必需这样。

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