  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Hsia Ching

夏菁,是盛志澄的笔名,浙江嘉兴人.美国科罗拉多州立大学硕士,曾任联合国专家及科罗拉多教授等职。夏菁是台湾 “蓝星诗社” 创始人之一,现为美国《诗天空》(Poetry Sky)双语季刊顾问。自1954年出版第一本诗集起,已有十一种,包括近年出版的双语诗集《夏菁短诗选》(2004) , 及去年(2010)出版的《独行集》及《折扇》等。除诗以外,尚出版有散文四种。其诗文,近年来常在美国、台湾等地中文报纸及期刊发表。

Hsia Ching, the pen name of Ted C. Sheng, was born in Zhejiang, China in 1925. He received his M.S. degree from the Colorado State University (1966) and has worked with the United Nations and taught at the Colorado State University. Hsia Ching was one of the founders of the Blue Stars Poetry Society in Taiwan in early Fifties. Presently he is a consultant of Poetrysky. Since his first collection of poems published in 1954, he has produced a total of eleven volumes of poems including the recent two: Walking Alone and A Folding Fan (both 2010), and a English and Chinese anthology Selected Poems of Hsia Ching (2004). He has also published four volumes of essays. Still, he writes for Chinese newspaper and magazines in Taiwan and USA.


Hsia Ching


At the End of Years

在岁月的尽头 回忆是唯一的安慰 —— 欢乐曾是除夕的烟火 哀伤落过鲛人的眼泪 只有平凡才是一串 念不尽的念珠 现在,我已磨成一片 隔世的毛玻璃 早春看不清枝头的喧闹 晚冬听不到风雪的飘摇


At the end of years Only recollections comfort - Happiness once fireworks on New Year's eve Sorrow fallen in mermaid tears* Only the ordinary becomes a string of Countless beads. By now, I have ground myself into a piece Of isolated, frosted glass. In early spring I can't see clearly the buzz in the trees And in late Winter, I cannot hear the rocking of snowy winds. * According to Chinese classic, mermaids shed tears of pearls.

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