  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Huang Shan Lao An


Huang Shan Lao An is a teacher and poetry editor. He was born in 1965. His poetry has published in more than 100 newspapers and journals. And his poems were included in dozens of anthologies.


Huang Shan Lao An


The Sky After the Mid-Autumn Festival

秋阳慵倦 碧蓝的天空没有一丝云彩 我无限热爱的秋天高高在上 没有扰攘也没有喧哗 它独自高悬 将渗透在尘埃里面的事物全部撇在了一边 迷醉于安静 透明而纯粹 仿佛是摆脱 仿佛是洁净 它把每一个部分逼入无人企及的冥想 回到自己本来的位置 临窗的人举头凝望 月已不在眼里 甚至鸟雀也不曾飞跃 整个儿的透明与纯粹 是内心与天空 急速地融合在了一块


Not a cloud in the blue sky and the autumn sun is tired My beloved autumn is supreme No bustling or hubbub Hanging alone Flinging aside the dusty things of this world Intoxicated by silence and transparent, pure quiet As if it were removal as if it were cleansing Forcing all parts into a meditation striving for no-man Returning to their original position People approach the window, lift their heads and stare The month is no longer in view even tiny birds do not hop All transparency and purity Is the inner-heart and heaven suddenly fused into one

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