  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Shaojun Li


Shaojun Li was born in Hunan, China in 1967. He graduated from the Department of Journalism of Wuhan University in 1989. His major works include Grassroots Collection, Reading Poetry: Thirty-two Poems, Blue Bar, In the Natural Shrine, The Cultural Additional Value. He has been invited to attend several international poetry festivals.


Anna Yin

星子安娜,Anna Yin中国湖南出生。99年移民加拿大,其英文诗多次获奖,其中包括 2005 年安省的“Ted Plantos 纪念奖”和2010 年和2013年 的“Martry文学奖“。星子著有五本诗集,包括《Wings Toward Sunlight》(2011)以及《Inhaling the Silence》(2013)。星子是加拿大诗人联盟安省代表,她工作和居住在安省的密西沙加。

Anna Yin was born in China and immigrated to Canada in 1999. Anna won the 2005 Ted Plantos Memorial Award, the 2010 MARTY Award, etc. She has published five books of poetry. Collections of her poetry Wings Toward Sunlight was published by Mosaic Press in 2011 and Inhaling the Silence was published in 2013. Anna is Ontario representative for the League of Canadian Poets. She works and lives in Mississauga, Ontario.


A Rock

一块石头从山岩上滚下 引起了一连串的混乱 小草哎呦喊疼,蚱蜢跳开 蜗牛躲避不及,缩起了头 蝴蝶忙不迭地闪,再闪 小溪被连带着溅起了浪花 石头落入一堆石头之中 ——才安顿下来 石头嵌入其他石头当中 最终被泥土和杂草掩埋 很多年以后,我回忆起童年时代看到的这一幕 才发现这块石头其实是落入了我的心底


A rock rolling down from a stony mountain causes a series of confusions - grasses cry out, grasshoppers jump snails get bumped, instantly they shrink their heads into their shells butterflies hectically flutter, and flutter again a creek below is splashed with waves The rock falls into a mass of boulders - then settles down embeds itself among other rocks until they are all buried under mud and weeds Years later, I remember seeing this scene in my childhood and only now realize the rock had fallen to the bottom of my heart

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