  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Xin Mu


Xin Mu (1943- ) was born in Yi-Lan County, Taiwan. He has won the national outstanding Young Poets Award in Taiwan, the poetry creation award of the Chinese Writer’s & Artist’s Association, and the first award of the new poetry competition of the Taipei Mass Rapid Transit system. He has published two poetry collections: Feathers Scattered and Selected Poems by Xin Mu. Currently he is the Chief Editor of the Epoch Poetry Quarterly.


Anna Yin

星子安娜,Anna Yin中国湖南出生。99年移民加拿大,其英文诗多次获奖,其中包括 2005 年安省的“Ted Plantos 纪念奖”和2010 年和2013年 的“Martry文学奖“。星子著有五本诗集,包括《Wings Toward Sunlight》(2011)以及《Inhaling the Silence》(2013)。星子是加拿大诗人联盟安省代表,她工作和居住在安省的密西沙加。

Anna Yin was born in China and immigrated to Canada in 1999. Anna won the 2005 Ted Plantos Memorial Award, the 2010 MARTY Award, etc. She has published five books of poetry. Collections of her poetry Wings Toward Sunlight was published by Mosaic Press in 2011 and Inhaling the Silence was published in 2013. Anna is Ontario representative for the League of Canadian Poets. She works and lives in Mississauga, Ontario.


蓦然转身 世界即蜕化成另一种样子 一袭晨衫自你肩际滑落 犹之,鸟之换羽 投出去,迎向虚寂中的虚寂 孤寞中的孤寞 当拨开蝉翼之后,试目 苍山千翠突然汹涌而至 花溢香,鸟歌唱,风走过 极目是千绿万綠无边际的绿 你立其间,锦绣在你掌中 看千浪翻动 托出太阳 犹之你,一伸一握间 抛出一个全然的世界


A sudden turn, the world transforms into another form. Your morning cape slips from your shoulders like a bird shedding her feathers. Cast aside, you greet the hollow silence within hollow silence the loneliness among loneliness When diaphanous skin breaks, you gaze at a thousand emerald hills abruptly surging, a flood of fragrance, birds singing, a breeze going by. In the distance, lavish green and endless green. You pose within, silk brocade in your palms Watching a thousand waves roll holding the morning sun that with a clench and a release seem to send out a whole new world

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