  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Liqing Yu


Liqing Yu (originally Eileen Tang) was a licensed pharmacist in Taiwan. She moved to California in 1978. She has authored more than 40 books in Taiwan and China. She is also a cofounder and actively involved in volunteering work for Evergreen Education Foundation for years. Her works have been included in anthologies, and textbooks throughout Taiwan, China and abroad. She has been awarded numerous prizes for her essays, proses, poems and stories for children. Currently, she lives in Berkeley, CA.


T. C. Lee

李作昌,1936 年生于江西南昌市。1957年毕业于台大电机系,1964年于斯坦佛大学电机系获博士学位。之后在美国高科技工业界从事研发工作长达三十八年。退休以后,重拾年轻时对诗的喜爱,开始写作发表。

T. C. Lee was born in Nanchang, Kiangsi, China 1936. He graduated with B. S. degree from National Taiwan University and from Stanford University with Ph. D in 1964, both in Electrical Engineering. Then he worked in R&D with the high tech industry in US for thirty eight years. After retirement he devoted his long hobby and love in poetry and starting writing poems for several magazines.


The Marks

树留下姿势 花留下颜色或清香 如何在我们彼此的身上留下记号 山留下静默 小溪留下行走的声音 如何留下我们爱情的记号 如何向天空学习云 向海洋学习浪花 向大地学习生长的智慧 如何向爱情学习痛苦 如何向死亡学习放弃 啊 如何将自己投入火中 就这样化为灰烬 不必留下任何记号


The trees have left their poses The flowers have left their color and fragrance How should we leave our mark with each other The mountain has left his silence The stream has left the murmur of her travel How should we leave the mark of our love How to study clouds from the sky And waves from the ocean How to learn the wisdom of growth from the earth And pain from love And surrender from death Oh may we learn how to cast ourselves into the fire And be burnt to ashes Where no marks are ever left


Love's Totem

经过了千百次的升华 我们爬出各自的巢穴 半动物半植物的躯壳 叫我们有时记起有时遗忘 肉欲是什么裸体的天堂是什么 写在甲骨文内怯生生的爱与惧怕 一如半擎的莲花 斜斜开在远古暗黑的穴里 我从没有这般美丽过 在非始非终每一次的睡梦里 悄悄爬出 断了翅的天使 在考古的轮迴里 才得以重享人间暂短的合欢 我从不知如何祈求 求生死不必界限 爱没有罪罚的阴影 带来花香的风里 遍是等待结果的前世姻缘 我不过是土 一撮竭尽所能让种子发芽的 故土 什么是永恒什么是悲伤 我从来没有这样溷沌过


After eons of mutations, we crawled out of our individual nests. With our shells, half animal yet half plant, we sometimes remembered and sometimes not, what was lust vis-a-vis a naked paradise. Uneasy words of love and fear inscribed on oracle bones like a skewed lotus, that slowly blossoms at a slant in the dark cave of the distant past. I have never been so beautiful; From every dream with no beginning and no end I crawled out quietly. Angels with broken wings, in every archaeological incarnation, were allowed the transient pleasure of life's union. I've never known how to pray that, there be no boundary between life and death, that love have no shadow of guilt or punishment. In a wind with a flowery scent Float pairs destined from past lives, waiting to bear fruit; I am but the soil, Striving to sprout seed ancient soil. What is eternity and what is sorrow, I have never been so tossed.

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