  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Forrest Gander

Born in the Mojave Desert in Barstow, California, Forrest Gander grew up in Virginia and spent significant periods in San Francisco, Dolores Hidalgo (Mexico), and Eureka Springs, Arkansas before moving to Rhode Island. His book Core Samples from the World was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award. He is the author of numerous other books of poetry, including Redstart: An Ecological Poetics and Science & Steepleflower, Gander also writes novels (As a Friend; The Trace), essays (A Faithful Existence) and translates. His most recent translations are Fungus Skull Eye Wing: Selected Poems of Alfonso D'Aquino and Watchword (which won the Villaurrutia Prize) by Pura López Colomé; Spectacle & Pigsty by Kiwao Nomura (winner of Best Translated Book Award); and Firefly Under the Tongue: Selected Poems of Coral Bracho (Finalist, PEN Translation Prize). His most recent anthologies are Pinholes in the Night: Essential Poems from Latin American (selected by Raúl Zurita) and Panic Cure: Poems from Spain for the 21st Century.

佛勒斯特-甘德是当代墨西哥诗人双语诗集《口头相传》的编辑,多部书的作者,其中包括诗集《对视》(新方向出版)和散文集《信仰的存在:阅读、记忆、超群》(鞋匠与储藏出版) 等。他的译作有《无处栖息:寇洛姆诗选》和与约翰逊合译的《内在的访客:萨恩兹诗选》(入选美国笔会翻译奖决赛)等。作为斯泰恩创新写作奖、全美教育同盟诗歌奖、豪沃德基金奖得主,甘德还为许多期刊杂志写评论文章,其中包括《国家》、《波士顿评论》、《普罗维登斯报》。甘德是布朗大学文艺和比较文学教授,他的书2012年入围普利策奖和国家书评奖。


Yuan Liang


Yuan Liang was born in Chongqing, China. He moved to Shanghai with his parents while he attended elementary school. He graduated from Fudan University and holds graduate degrees from two American universities. He is a member of PoetrySky Poets Association and he has published a book of poetry Beneath the Wall of April (2009), Homesick of Time (2010), The Primitive Corner (2011), The Silent Color (2012), Arriving Season (2013), and Sun Wheel (2014). He lives in Southern California.

Projecting Love


dragging her fingernails across the air as stage left, he steps from darkness into his flesh under the minatory glare the flexed tendons of his fingers, her eyes and lips flare when he stumbles she is aware without looking almost they embrace vessels and nerves of his cheek under a thin strata of fascia when her mouth breaks black open when stage right he exits cupping the wound when she cries out I see the world upside down.

* * *

Then he deflowers her, pulling away the greenery. Then a blue vein thinning into a hollow. Then it is the hollow between her neck and lower jaw. Then spaced ligaments twitching in his forearm. Then connected in lightlessness they are. Then by an invisible capillary network. Then balancing on her nates, her legs in the air waving. Then he returns with a limp. Then into her bent spine. Then she is grabbing at unused air over her head. Then is he inching edgewise turning his face. Then offers her his armload of giftstraw and loose ash. Then staggering away horrified. Then coming toward him, hands upward, palms out.


拖动她的指甲划过空气 在舞台左侧,他从黑暗步入他的肉身 在他威慑的逼视 和柔软指腱下 她的双目和嘴唇泛着光 当他蹒跚,她无须看便知 他们几乎拥抱 他脸上的血管和神经 在薄薄的筋膜层之下 而她的嘴破了黑色空旷 在舞台右侧他退出杯状伤口 当她叫出声 我看见世界上下颠倒

* * *

然后他破了她的花容,拉开绿色 然后一条蓝色静脉细润入中空 然后他的脖颈和下颚之间出现空洞 然后间隔的韧带在他的前臂抽搐 然后他们在无光里连结 然后经过一道隐形毛细血管网 然后平衡于她的臀部,她的双腿在空中波动 然后他趔趄归来 然后进入她弯曲的脊背 然后她捞抓头顶的新空气 然后他缓缓沿边移动,转开他的脸 然后赠她以怀中的秸秆和草灰 然后惊悸地蹒跚而退 然后靠近他,双手上举,手心朝外

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