  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Jiang Hua

姜华,笔名江南雨。中国诗歌学会会员,陕西省作家协会会员,首届“十佳网络诗人”,《绿风》诗歌论坛、《北京诗人》论坛、《中国现代人》论坛年度诗人,第三届大别山诗歌论坛十佳诗人,首届中国天津诗歌节头奖获得者。在《人民日报》《诗刊》《中国诗人》《上海诗人》《天津诗人》《中国诗歌》《诗选刊》《星星》诗刊等国内外报刊发表作品。作品多次获奖并被收入 多种专集。已出版诗集《尘世的光芒》等五部。

Jianghua has published five books of poetry. His poems appeared in various poetry journals in China and other countries and he has received many poetry awards.


Xiaoyuan Yin


Xiaoyuan Yin is a member of Translators Association of China. She is the Winner of the Best International Translator for 2008 of IPTRC, and received the Prize for Distinguished Translator in the 4th World Poetry Prizes Sponsored by Dr. Choi Laisheung. Her literary works have been published in US, Canada, China, Thailand and many other countries. She has published four books.


I Thumb Through a Book at Midnight

阴谋鬼魅一样 从深夜子时潜入 我必须把那本落满尘埃的书 合上 把一些诡计 智慧 厚和黑 关进夜色 放生那些美色 江山 和时间 在一片呐喊声中 那个所谓的英雄 匆匆逃离现场 那只独坐屋梁的老鼠 还在研读 如何与一条菜花蛇接吻 还有一些声音 裹着风暴 正在试图把黑夜掀翻 一只乌鸦 蜗居在院内古槐上 它没有说话


Like a phantom, I plot to plunge in at midnight to shut the dust-covered book enclosing schemes, wisdom, thickness and blackness into that valley of the night. In a stream of those freed seductions, landscapes and times the so-called hero hurries from the scene. The rat riding the beam still ponders the possibility of kissing a snake certain sounds, wrapping the storm try to overturn the dark night. A crow was perching on the old scholar tree in the yard. It said nothing.

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