  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Rodger Martin

Rodger Martin is an editor, a teacher, a poet, a mentor of students, and a journalist. He has published Paradise Lost adapted for Dramatic Reading: co-editor B. Eugene McCarthy. (Keene State College, 2014), The Battlefield Guide, (Brookline, N.H.: Hobblebush Books, 2009) and The Blue Moon Series, (Brookline, N.H.: Hobblebush Books, 2006). He served as the editor of The Worcester Review during 1986 to 2012 and is currently the co-editor of The Granite State Poetry Series. He lives in Hancock, New Hampshire.

罗杰·马丁(Rodger Martin,1948-):出生在宾夕法尼亚州阿米什农村,在英国度过童年。1966年参加侵越战争,1967年负伤后复员。获宾州米勒维尔大学学士(1972)和新罕布什尔州基恩学院硕士(1979),毕业后留校教新闻学。他先任教于基恩州立学院,教授新闻学,兼任全国教育协会和诗歌基金会诗歌对话练习新罕布什尔州项目主任。1986年以来,任诗歌杂志《伍斯特评论》(The Worcester Review)主编。新罕布什尔州艺术委员会委员。出版的诗集除上述《葛底斯堡》外,还有《尼莫诗篇:火星人视角》(The Nemo Poems: A Martian Perspective,1992)、《蓝月系列诗》(The Blue Moon Series,2007)和《战场指南》(The Battlefield Guide, 2010)。他的诗歌、小说和研究密尔顿《失乐园》的论文获阿巴拉契亚诗歌奖(1998)和新罕布什尔州艺术委员会颁发的小说奖(1990)以及两次获国家人文基金资助奖(1990,2001)、两次获新罕布什尔州艺术委员会颁发的新作品奖(1998,2001)。


Ziqing Zhang

张子清是南京大学外国文学研究所教授,北京外国语大学华裔美国文学研究中心客座研究员。哈佛-燕京访问学者(1982-83),美国富布莱特访问学者(1993-94)。中国作家协会会员、全国美国文学研究会常务理事、中国比较文学学会会员。代表作:《20世纪美国诗歌史》(1995,1997)。主编 “华裔美国小说丛书”(译林出版社)、“西方人看中国丛书”(南京出版社)。

Ziqing Zhang is professor of Institute of Foreign Literature, Nanjing University, Nanjing, guest research Fellow of Chinese American Literature Research Center, Beijing University of Foreign Studies, Beijing. He was a visiting scholar as a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University from 1982 to 1983 and Fulbright Scholar at Harvard University and The University of California at Berkeley from 1993 to 1994. His works include A History of 20th Century American Poetry (1995, 1997), Selected Poems of T.S.Eliot (1985), Selected American Poems (1993) and Birthday Letters by Ted Hughes (1998). He has co-authored Two Sides of the Globe: Contemporary Chinese and American Literatures and Their Comparison (1993) and On American New Pastoral Poems (2006). He has received many awards including The First Prize of Humanities Research Science Foundation of Nanjing University in 1998.

Autumn Needles


Beyond the equator of imaginings a tropic storm spins slowly to shape. It is the next century, and it approaches on an unknowable track. Its great eye a Category Five, a tiger chasing its tail, success and failure whirling into an eyewall ten miles high. It surges toward shores open, flat as The Gulf. “Look out your window,” insisted his wife, a voice quiet like a violin, a back-up that compelled he lift his chin and look. “What do you see?” There, blazed against the forest's green quilt ten thousand pine needles floated a breeze to earth, ten thousand slender pins to the past. That one stitched the day of his birth. This one hemmed his daughter's plaid skirt. How it flashed down the sidelines, her stick guiding the ball quick dodge slap shot on goal. Here's one surgeons stitched quickly through sutures, too many to count. . . . The steady Timex ticking, thin hand circling the dial, eventually left only scars. This needle danced under his grandmother's deft fingers, embroidered her eighty-six-year dance into a quilt still carefully folded within a maple drawer upstairs. At seven he asked her when she would die. “In twenty years,” she lied knowing he needed growing seasons before he could handle another. Enough to learn the use of a thimble. All these pins spread on a lawn and there centered under the trees, stands a horse, silent as Job, a bronze jacketed with autumn mail, at peace between the hurricanes and in here something blankets his shoulders, warm as the coniferous covering out there, balancing the notes like that yellow passage of air.


在超越想象的赤道的那边, 热带的暴风雨慢慢地形成。 这是下世纪,它在不可知的 轨道上来临。它的大风眼 有五级飓风1的风速 ,势如 一只追赶自己尾巴的老虎, 成功与失败2正在旋进 10英里高空的眼壁3里。 它朝像墨西哥湾那样开阔平坦的 海岸奔腾而来。 “瞧窗外,”他的妻子要他朝窗外看, 她的声音小提琴般悠扬,接着又催他 抬起头,向窗外看去。 “你看见了什么?” 那里,在树林绿色披风的前头, 无数松针像微风似地飘落到地面, 这些无数个紧钉过去的细嫩松针。 那一支松针紧紧地钉住他的生日。 这一支松针镶在他女儿的格子裙边。 它闪耀着,落在球场边线,她挥起 球棒,曲棍球飞速射向球门。 这里是外科医生飞快缝合的针, 缝合的针脚多得难以记数…… 天美时牌手表滴答滴答稳定地走着, 指针围绕表盘旋转, 最后只留下点点疤痕。 这针在他祖母灵巧的手指下欢快地 来回,把她86年的舞蹈绣进盖被上。 盖被仍叠放在楼上的槭木箱里。 他七岁时问她什么时候去世? “还有20年,”她撒谎说,知道他在应付 另一次死亡之前需要生长的季节。 才足以学会使用针箍。 所有这些松针铺在草坪上, 在四周围绕树林的中间, 站着一匹马,安静如圣徒约伯4, 一座驮着秋天邮包的青铜像, 在两次飓风之间显得很平静, 在这里有什么东西披在他的肩上, 他内心感到温暖,舒畅,如同 金黄的松针叶在那里纷纷飘落。 1 指每小时200英里的最强飓风速度。 2 诗人解释说:“我们的科技和生态的成功太少, 我们的失败太大,最后将导致21世纪环境的大灾难。” 3 气象学上的名词。 4 见《圣经·旧约·约伯记》三十至四十一章,叙 述旋风的声音,神向约伯问了一连串与创造有 关的问题,诸如有关大海、晨曦、雪、雨、星 座、风暴和动物等的来历,使他看见宇宙如何 昭显其伟大。约伯冥想神的能力时,必定感到 自己是何等渺小。

May: The Panther Moon
-- Alone in My Sister's House

—— 我独自一人在妹妹家

It is two a.m. The barred owl's sharp notes cadence on the clefs of the moon. They shiver through the screening. dark enough to become shadow between the light, prowl through the garden or the upstairs pantry. When a moon has a depth and Minerva's bird calls clear and cold as death, sleep eludes the living.


深夜两点,困扰人的猫头鹰根据 月亮谱子上的节奏发出尖锐的调门。 这尖细的颤音透过纱窗。 天很黑,这颤音在月光之间 变成阴影,伺机穿越花园 或楼上的餐具室。 当月亮辉映清空,智慧女神雅典娜之鸟 发出清亮、令人打冷颤的叫声时, 生者无眠。

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