  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Feng Qu


Qu Feng, poet, archaeologist, anthropologist, born in Liaoning, received BA in archaeology from Jilin University in 1987. He was a central member of North Star Poetry Club of Jilin University during his university study. He has lived in Shenyang for many years after college study and his poems and other works mainly appeared in the local journals such as The Poetic Tide, Contemporary Poetry, Yalujiang Literature Monthly, and Contemporary Writers Review. Heearned his MA degree in archaeology from Leiden University, the Netherlands and PhD in anthropology from University of Alaska Fairbanks. Currently he works for a local church in Fairbanks, Alaska.


Feng Qu


Wash Your Hands With Water

手要用水洗 不是那样晃动着华丽辞藻的水 不是那样滑落着的颤抖着的水 也不是海水、江水、湖泊的水 也不是为星光所寻觅的为流风所忽略的水 眼睛要用水洗 凡是从秋天里来的,从高处来的 凡是眼睛能够看见的,天空中的或地上的水 都是目光洗涤过的 那被草场所覆盖的,被浓绿所覆盖的 都要像羔羊一样沉默无语 那被目光所洗涤的 必将随波浪远去 风景要用水洗 一场意义的雨所不能解释的 一些泪和光芒的诗行、墨痕 这些让我们刻骨铭心的不能释怀的事情 都要用风景来将它们轻轻浣洗 不是那样婉约的女子,也不是歌 豪放的鼓舞的歌 风帆啊!谁将怎样吹动你 如同怜悯的嘴试图吹凉一颗滚烫的不可救药的心 爱要用水洗 要用夏天的果子里的水,要用冬天的牛奶和羊奶里的水 因为那里有怜悯的盐 是伤口所需要的 水要用水洗 那试图用遗忘来象征水的 那试图在水中涉水而过的人啊 要洗净云里的水和水里的水 要摇响声音如同摇响沉睡的秋天的心 如同摇响那被风吻过的 土地和人


Wash your hands with water. Not the kind that wobbles rhetoric, Not the sliding, trembling kind. Not sea water, river water or lake water, And not the water searched by starlight but ignored by Flowing wind. Wash your eyes with water. Everything from the fall sky, from high places, Everyting from heaven and earth, all washed by the gaze. What is covered by grass, covered by deep green Will be silent like the sheep. What has been washed by the gaze must follow far after the waves. Wash the landscape with water. Some tearful lines of light, blotches that Cannot explain this meaningful rainscape They inscribe things on my soul I cannot let go, that I must use scenery to wash clean. With the scenery. It is not a graceful maiden, not a song, A bold, inspiring tune. Fill the sails! Who will move you, like lips blowing on a burning, irredeemable heart. Wash your love with water, Water from summer fruits, use water from winter cow milk and goat milk, They contain sympathetic salts that our wounds need. Wash water with water. That person using oblivion to symbolize water, using water once waded in. Wash the water in the clouds and water in water, Shake sound like a sleeping autumn heart, Like shaking earth and people Kissed by the wind.

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