  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

A. R. Ammons
A. R. 阿蒙斯

A. R. Ammons published nearly thirty collections, including Bosh and Flapdoodle (2005); Glare (1997); Garbage (1993), which won the National Book Award; A Coast of Trees (1981); Sphere (1974), which received the Bollingen Prize; and Collected Poems 1951-1971 (1972), which won the National Book Award.



Yue Li


Yue Li, Ph.D. Pen name: Yuan Zai Yuan Fang, was born in Heilongjiang in 1970s. His poetry has been published in several poetry journals and books in China, Hong Kong and US. He lives and works in Maryland.

After Yesterday


After yesterday afternoon's blue clouds and white rain the mockingbird in the backyard untied the drops from leaves and twigs with a long singing.


昨日下午 蓝色的云及白色的雨 过后 庭院内的知更鸟 用长久的歌唱 抖落 枝叶上的水滴



Fall's leaves are redder than spring's flowers, have no pollen, and also sometimes fly, as the wind schools them out or down in shoals or droves: though I have not been here long, I can look up at the sky at night and tell how things are likely to go for the next hundred million years: the universe will probably not find a way to vanish nor I in all that time reappear.


秋天的叶子比春天的花朵 更红,只是没有花粉 它们不时地 于风中飞舞 被成群的吹起 或者吹落 我在这里并没有停留多久 夜晚的时候 我仰望天空,却知道 在未来的亿万年里 万物将如何转变 宇宙可能不会消失,而我 也不会在某个时刻 再次出现



When the crow lands, the tip of the sprung spruce bough weighs so low, the system so friction-free, the bobbing lasts way past any interest in the subject.


当乌鸦 降落时 颤抖的云杉枝尖 如此之轻,宛若一个 无摩擦系统 这摆动持续 远远超出了 对该主题的所有兴致



The drop seeps whole from boulder-lichen or ledge moss and drops, joining, to trickle, run, fall, dash, sprawl in held deeps, to rush shallows, spill thin through heights, but then, edging, to eddy aside, nothing of all but nothing's curl of motion spent.


水滴从山岩青苔 或是礁石的藓衣中 渗出、滴落 汇合为涓涓细流 下坠、奔腾 于深渊处泛滥 它冲过浅滩 薄溢出高坡 然后从边缘而入 切划进旋涡 这一切的运动 没有卷曲

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