  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Wallace Stevens

Wallace Stevens was born in Reading, Pennsylvania in 1879. He attended Harvard as an undergraduate and earned a law degree from New York Law School. His first book of poems, Harmonium, published in 1923, exhibited the influence of both the English Romantics and the French symbolists. Though now considered one of the major American poets of the century, he did not receive widespread recognition until the publication of his Collected Poems, just a year before his death. His major works include Ideas of Order (1935), The Man With the Blue Guitar (1937), Notes Towards a Supreme Fiction (1942), and a collection of essays on poetry, The Necessary Angel (1951). He died in Hartford in 1955.

华莱士-史蒂文斯1879年出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州的雷丁市。大学时就读于哈佛,后在纽约法学院获法律学位。他的第一本诗集《簧风琴》于1923 年出版,体现出英国浪漫主义和法国符号学派对他的影响。虽然他被公认为二十世纪主要的美国诗人之一,但史蒂文斯直到临死的前一年才得以出版他的《诗集》,此后他才得到了广泛的承认。他的主要作品有:《秩序观念》 (1935),《带蓝色吉它的人》 (1937),《超小说笔记》 (1942),论诗歌文论集《必要的天使》。1955年,他在美国康涅狄格州首府哈特福德市去世。



Laoha, poet and translator, pen name of Xiaoqing Mario Li, born in China in 1960. He moved to USA in 1986 and made his residence in northern Nevada since 1987.


Variations On A Summer Day


I Say of the gulls that they are flying In light blue air over dark sea. II A music more than a breath, but less Than the wind, sub-music like sub-speech A repletion of unconscious things, Letters of rock and water, words Of the visible elements and of ours. III The rocks of the cliffs are the heads of dog That turn into fishes and leap Into the sea.


1 用海鸥的话说。它们在飞翔 穿过淡蓝的空气,越过深蓝的海洋。 2 一段音乐,比鼻息约长, 较清风略短,子句般的子乐, 一些无意识物件的重复, 山水的文字词汇﹐ 是我们与可视元素的属性。 3 峭壁上的那些岩石是一群狗头, 变成了鱼,然后跳 入大海。

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