  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Rodger Martin

Rodger Martin is an editor, a teacher, a poet, a mentor of students, and a journalist. He has published Paradise Lost adapted for Dramatic Reading: co-editor B. Eugene McCarthy. (Keene State College, 2014), The Battlefield Guide, (Brookline, N.H.: Hobblebush Books, 2009) and The Blue Moon Series, (Brookline, N.H.: Hobblebush Books, 2006). He served as the editor of The Worcester Review during 1986 to 2012 and is currently the co-editor of The Granite State Poetry Series. He lives in Hancock, New Hampshire.

罗杰·马丁(Rodger Martin,1948-):出生在宾夕法尼亚州阿米什农村,在英国度过童年。1966年参加侵越战争,1967年负伤后复员。获宾州米勒维尔大学学士(1972)和新罕布什尔州基恩学院硕士(1979),毕业后留校教新闻学。他先任教于基恩州立学院,教授新闻学,兼任全国教育协会和诗歌基金会诗歌对话练习新罕布什尔州项目主任。1986年以来,任诗歌杂志《伍斯特评论》(The Worcester Review)主编。新罕布什尔州艺术委员会委员。出版的诗集除上述《葛底斯堡》外,还有《尼莫诗篇:火星人视角》(The Nemo Poems: A Martian Perspective,1992)、《蓝月系列诗》(The Blue Moon Series,2007)和《战场指南》(The Battlefield Guide, 2010)。他的诗歌、小说和研究密尔顿《失乐园》的论文获阿巴拉契亚诗歌奖(1998)和新罕布什尔州艺术委员会颁发的小说奖(1990)以及两次获国家人文基金资助奖(1990,2001)、两次获新罕布什尔州艺术委员会颁发的新作品奖(1998,2001)。


Wang Guanglin

王光林,上海对外经贸大学外语学院教授,澳大利亚科廷大学兼职教授。中国澳大利亚研究会副会长,全国美国文学会理事,上海翻译家协会理事。Anthem Press澳大利亚文学文化研究系列丛书编委。《澳大利亚文化研究》集刊主编。《当代澳大利亚经典小说译丛》副主编。2012年获得澳大利亚政府颁发的特别翻译奖。2014年6月获得英国中央兰开夏大学颁发的荣誉学者称号。先后担任西澳大学和新南威尔士大学博士论文校外审阅人。发表中英学术论文多篇,出版《湖滨散记》、《上海舞》、《典型的美国佬》、《欧洲文学的背景》、《想像的人》、《荣誉与责任》等译著和编著十余部,约五百多万字。

Wang Guanglin, Professor of English at Shanghai University of International Business & Economics, and Adjunct Professor at School of Media, Culture and Creative Arts, Faculty of Humanities, Curtin University. He is the author of Being and Becoming: On Cultural Identities of Diasporic Chinese Writers in America and Australia (Tianjin: Nankai University Press, 2004, 2006) and a number of papers on English, American and Australian literatures. He co-edited with Professor David Carter, the book Modern Australian Criticism and Theory (China Ocean University Press, 2010). He is the chief editor of Contemporary Australian Novels in Chinese Translation, which won special translation award from ACC. He is also the translator of Walden, Background of European Literature, Imagined Human Beings, Shanghai Dancing, and a number of novels by Chinese American writers. He is Vice President of Australian Studies Association of China (2014– ), and serves on the editorial board of Anthem Studies in Australian Literature, Anthem Press.

The Anchor

This muscled anchor is a weathered old seaman. It has sailed beyond the Seven Seas and it lends its reddish heft and sculpture to this reflecting pool shimmering in summer heat. What brings the anchor to a university distant from docks that exchanged cargo with the world, away from the lifeboat rusting by the lake? Was it here that Odysseus planted his oar? Anchor: weight of safe harbor, strong mooring. Anchor: place of no leaving, weight for the dead. Somewhere in a thicket, a bird chucks loudly and the echo surrounds this whizzened relic Like an arrow centered on its target.


这副锚就是一位饱经风霜的老水手,一身的肌肉。 它驶越了七大海洋,炎炎夏日中, 粼粼的波光映照出它的微红的敦实身躯, 仿佛是一尊雕塑。是什么 使这副锚来到了一所大学, 远离与世界各地交换货物的码头? 又与湖边的救生艇分离,任其锈迹斑斑? 难道是奥德修斯在这里安放了他的橹棹? 锚:承载港湾安全的重任,确保强大的停泊。 锚:在一处没远行的地方,承载着死者的分量。 灌木丛中,一只小鸟在大声鸣叫 回声萦绕在这旋离的遗物周围 犹如一枝箭,瞄准了靶心。

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