  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Lan Lan


Lan Lan was born in 1967 in Yantai, Shangdong Province, originally Lan Lan Hu. She graduated from Zheng Zhou University in 1988. She started to write when she was 14. She has published a number of books of poetry and fairy tales. She have received several poetry and writing awards. She is the visiting professor of Huanghe Science and Technology University and poet-in residence of Renmin University of China.


George O'Connell & Diana Shi



Diana Shi and George O'Connell publish in N. America, China, and Hong Kong. Recipients of a U.S. Nat'l. Endowment for the Arts Literature Translation Fellowship, they co-direct Pangolin House, an international journal of contemporary Chinese and English-language poetry.



在今天,我的亲人 我仍可以从田野带一把红苋菜 送到你黄昏的怀中 仍可以在电灯下 用忧伤的细线缝好 你的纽扣—— 我的心并不寒碜 我的诗句也不陈旧 在今天,我依旧会在路口等候 惦记着天阴了 给你送伞 我这双有着古老习惯的手 在洗衣盆里浸泡得 干净 新鲜 也许 有一天我会衰老 像一件用旧的农具 可请你不要把它扔掉 像对待一个外人 像今天 ——今天,恋旧已是降价书里的 片段


Today, my dear, I can still gather a sheaf of red amaranth for your arms this evening. By lamplight I can still sew on your button with a thin thread of sorrow. My heart is unashamed, nor this poem passé. Today, beneath a dark sky, I can wait for you at the corner with an umbrella. This pair of hands, their old habits clean from the washtub, fresh. One day I'll be worn out as an old implement, not to be tossed as nothing. Nowadays the past is simply a page from a half-price book.

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