  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Li Tianjing


Li Tianjing, poet, poetry commenter, a member of China Writers Association, serves as the Senior Editor of one journal, East China Normal University and the Chief Editor of Shanghai Poet. He has won many prizes including The People's Literature Prize. His poems appeared in a number of poetry anthologies including Selected Short Poems of Li Tianjing, Secret and You Become the Prey of your Poetry. He is the editor of several poetry books, including Rhetoric Art of Chinese and Foreign Modern Poetry. He was invited to attend The Fifth Qinghai Lake International Poetry Festival.


Hai An

海岸(1965- ),诗人、翻译家,浙江台州人。原名李定军,八十年代就读于杭州大学(现并入浙江大学)外文系,现为复旦大学外文学院副教授兼香港《当代诗坛》(汉英双语)副主编。著有《海岸诗选》(2001)、《海岸短诗选》(2003)、《挽歌》(长诗,2012);译有《狄兰-托马斯诗选》(2014)、《贝克特诗集》(2016);编有《中西诗歌翻译百年论集》(2007)、《中国当代诗歌前浪》(汉英对照,2009)等。曾应邀出席“第15届阿根廷-罗塞里奥国际诗歌节”(2007)等国内外诗歌节。

Hai An (1965-), originally Li Ding-Jun, Chinese poet and translator, the Council Member of the Shanghai Translator Association (STA), the prize-winner of STA-2011 Translator Prize and the invited author of UNESCO-EOLSS Encyclopedia in 2004. He graduated from the Hangzhou University in the 1980s, currently serving as the Associate Professor at College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Fudan University and the Adjunct Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Contemporary Poetry Quarterly based in Hong Kong. He has published more than ten books of poetry as the author, translator and editor, including Selected Poems by Hai An(2001), Selected Short Poems by Hai An (2003, Hong Kong), Elegy—Hai An's First Therapeutic Long Poem (2012, Taiwan), Selected Poems of Dylan Thomas (2014), Collected Poems of Samuel Beckett (2016), A Centennial Collected Papers on Sino-Occidental Poetry Translation (2007), The Frontier Tide: Contemporary Chinese Poetry (Europe / Qinghai, 2009), etc. He was invited to attend several international poetry festivals.


A Pond Of Withered Lotus At Shezhong Village

曾几何时 想见明眸皓齿一一风荷举 一叶惊秋即老 就开始打褶、爬上老年斑 皮肤焦黄 齿也脱落发也稀 眼枯落潭 脚也崴了腿也瘸了 皆蓬头垢面、胭脂尽失 一塘藻荇 翳了奁镜的豪华 月黑之夜 秋风仍拿着一把刀追杀不已 有仰天长啸者 也有俯首耷拉者 折腰者、半跪者 有偃伏恸哭者、气绝仆地者 只是不见一丝血 鬼影幢幢 似一场永不醒来的梦魇 藕白的手不把它 从胸上取走


Not long ago There was a clear-cut view: A lotus stretches a leaf in the breeze but soon withered, crinkled with age pigment sallow skin flexible teeth and sparse hair Eyes faded down in pond feet broken, legs crippled hair disheveled, face dirty A pond of waterweed Screens a mirror of luxury On a moonless night Autumn wind chasing with a knife in hand Some leaves stand upright looking at sky Some stoop or droop Bending at the waist or kneel on one leg Others weep or fall flat All are on show without bleeding Only ghosts haunting as an nightmare never wakening A lotus-white hand is unable to take it out of heart

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