  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Eileen McCluskey

Eileen McCluskey's poetry has appeared in Main Street Rag, Haiku Journal, Boston College Magazine and other publications. She has several micro chapbooks with the Origami Poems Project. The poetry book Topless was published in 2011, with poems by Eileen, Deborah Mead and Kara Provost. Eileen was a finalist in The Poetry Loft 2015 Chapbook Contest, and in the Cambridge Poetry Awards 2012 competition.

艾琳-麦克拉斯基的诗篇发表在 《俳句杂志》《波士顿大学杂志》等。艾琳随同折纸首诗项目出版了几本诗歌小册子。诗集 Topless出版于2011年,由艾琳-麦克拉斯基、黛博拉-米德和卡拉-普罗沃斯特合著。艾琳是2015诗章阁楼微型图书竞赛和2012剑桥诗歌奖竞赛中的决赛选手。


Howard Friedman

费浩华是一位居住在法国巴黎的美国出生的技术作家。2003年,费浩华跟旧金山的Eth-Noh-Tec故事团来到河北耿村参加故事节。费浩华在故事节上朗诵了他翻译的法国诗人拉封丹(La Fontaine)撰写的“狐狸和乌鸦”的寓言 。

Howard Friedman is an American born technical writer living in Paris France. In 2003, Howard traveled with the San Francisco based Eth-Noh-Tec storytelling group to Gengcun village in Hebei province for a storytelling festival. For the storytelling festival, Howard recited a translation he did of the Jean de La Fontaine fable "The Fox and the Crow".

The Wish


I fall on you I fall until all landmarks fade: street corners that you turn during evening constitutionals, baseball fields where you open folding chairs in spring and cheer the children, tree roots where your dogs lift their legs in salute to one another. I blow tiny kisses in your eyes to gain your attention as you heave me on top of myself. I become rapacious in my desire for you, mount your yards and climb the sides of your houses, cling to your rooftops, wilt into long, shining jewels that sparkle into your homes. I fall to be with you I fall to fill your lonely crevices, to swell in voluptuous curves that I hope you cannot help but fall for.


我飘落在你身上 我纷纷扬扬地落下直至所有的 地标都褪去色彩: 夜晚里的漫步 你转身的街角, 春天里 你在棒球场 打开折叠椅坐下 为孩子们小队欢呼喝彩, 树根边你的狗 抬起腿向它们的同伴 招呼。 我吹着细微的吻 在你的眼睛里 来引得你的注意 当你一再将我 拂开。 我变得贪婪 在我对你的欲望里, 覆盖了你的庭院还爬上了 你的房子的四周, 延伸到你的屋顶, 融化进长长的 闪耀点缀着屋内的珠宝。 我落下来跟你在一起 我落下来填满你寂寞的 缝隙,在你 丰腴的曲线里充盈 我盼望着 你也不自禁地倾倒。

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