  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Zang Di

臧棣, 1964年4月生于北京。1983年9月考入北京大学中文系。1997年7月获北京大学文学博士学位。现任教于北京大学中文系,北京大学中国诗歌研究院研究员。曾出版诗集《燕园纪事》(1998),《风吹草动》(2000),《新鲜的荆棘》(2002),《宇宙是扁的》(2008)、《空城计》(2009)、《未名湖》(2010),《慧根丛书》(2011),《小挽歌丛书》(2012),《红叶的速度》(2014),《骑手和豆浆》(2015),《必要的天使》(2015),《就地神游》(2016)等。曾获《南方文坛》杂志“2005年度批评家奖”,“中国当代十大杰出青年诗人”(2005),“1979-2005中国十大先锋诗人”(2006),“中国十大新锐诗歌批评家”(2007),第三届“珠江国际诗歌节大奖”(2007),“当代十大新锐诗人”(2007),“汉语诗歌双年十佳诗人”(2008),首届“长江文艺·完美(中国)文学奖”(2008)第七届“华语文学传媒大奖-2008年度诗人奖”(2009),首届苏曼殊诗歌奖(2010)。2015星星年度诗人奖(2015)。首届鲁能山海天诗歌节大奖(2016)。

Zang Di, born in April 1964 in Beijing, holds a Ph.D. in Literature from Beijing University, where he is currently a professor in the Chinese Department and a Research Fellow at the New Poetry Research Center. He is an editor of New Poetry Criticsim. In 1999-2000 he was a Visiting Scholar at U.C. Davis. In 2000 he received Writer magazine's Poetry Prize. His important collections include Records Of Swallow Garden, Wind Blows The Grass, Fresh Thorns. In 2005 he was named one of China's "Top Ten Young Poets." In 2006 he was named one of China's Top Ten Avant-Garde Poets of 1979-2005. In 2007 he was named one of China Top Ten Rising Poets. He was editor of Selected Poetry From Beijing University. He has published a collection: Beijing University Collections (2005).


Fan Jinghua


Fan Jinghua is a bilingual poet and translator. His poems have been published in literary magazines and anthologies in Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore and USA. He has been invited to several international poetry festivals and has read his poems in different occasions, and he has been awarded prizes for his poems and translations. Jinghua works as a university lecturer and lives in Singapore.


A Beginner's Guide to Deconstructing Psychology

虎纹伯劳从未制造过 一粒垃圾。它们的排泄物 在蚂蚁的眼中更像是 缩过水的金字塔。如果你不认识 虎纹伯劳,只知道麻雀, 也会不影响上面的结论。 如果你还不解其中的含义, 那么,燕山的深处,或者此时此刻 就以你目力所及,任何一片落叶 也不曾制造过半毫克的垃圾。 和我们相比,任何情况下, 石头都不会是石头的垃圾。 但是,人,有可能是人的垃圾。 福柯的秃顶有看头呢,甚至令新月 也开始熟悉无名的嫉妒―― 这中间的垃圾,确乎有点费解, 所以,阿赫马托娃断言: 就原型而言,诗来源于垃圾。 尽管如此,我仍为我丢弃过的垃圾 感到无名的羞耻。我的命运 即我最大的垃圾,我不求祈 你能有同感。而这一切 和我在玉渡山景区入口处了解到的 各种垃圾的解体时间相比, 一点也不极端。对照着指示牌, 我翻检了一下随身的物品: 玻璃瓶,香烟,易拉罐,塑料袋, 尼龙围脖,皮鞋,橘子,还真不少。 而根据说明:玻璃的分解时间大约4000年, 塑料,200年;易拉罐,100年; 皮革,50年;尼龙织品,40年; 橘子皮,2年。忽然之间, 我觉得这样的真相比萨特叫嚷 他人即地狱,更严酷。 我甚至觉得,我们死后, 那抛向大海的骨灰,也已足够奢侈。


Tiger shrikes make no waste, Not a pellet. Their droppings, In the eyes of ants, are more like Shrunken pyramids. You do not need To know a tiger shrike from a sparrow To endorse this observation. If its implication has not yet filtered through, You may look deep into the Yan Mountains, And find there, till this very moment, no leaf Has ever made half a milligram of waste. Under no circumstances will a stone turn into The waste of stones, but look at ourselves! More often than not man becomes human waste. Foucault's baldness is worth scrutiny, And even the new moon has known nameless jealousy― The waste in between is indeed inexplicable, And that's why Akhmatova decided Poetry in its prototype grew out of waste. All being said, I still feel inexplicably guilty Of all the waste I have dumped. My destiny Is the biggest piece of my waste, but I do not Expect you to feel what I feel. None of this goes Beyond reason, if compared with the time Needed for those wastes to dissolve, as I've learned At the entrance of the Jadeford Mountain resort. I've checked against the directory and found in my bag Cigarettes, cans, plastic bottles and bags, Oranges, nylon cravat, leather shoes, and more. As the table says, it will take about 4000 years For glass to decompose, 200 for plastic, 100 for cans, And 50 years for leather, 40 for nylon fabric And for orange peels, 2 years. For an instant, I almost believe that the truth of this kind is grimmer Than Sartre's cry “Hell is other people.” I'm even tempted to think, when you are dead, Our ashes scattered at sea is more than luxurious.


A Book Series On Mushrooms

悲观主义者很少会爱上蘑菇, 或像你那样,忠实于蘑菇带给你的感觉。 常识告诉你,没背叛过虚无的人 不会有兴趣了解蘑菇的精神—— 它们的翻滚,甚至比肉体做得还好。 它们翻滚在平底锅里,翻滚在你的喉舌深处。 柔滑,鲜嫩,丝毫也惧怕你 会夺走它们的一切。凡乐观主义者能想到的真理, 它们都会给出一种形状。凡你想隐瞒的事, 它们都能给予最深切的谅解。 它们闻到了小鸡肉的味道。 它们喜爱大蒜和西兰花签下的合同。 它们撑开的伞降落着,降落着,直到在你心里 变成了一个营养丰富的小神。 消失和消化的区别也许 没有你想得那么大。在消失之前, 他从里面递出一份新菜谱, 请求下一次你能更耐心地咀嚼 蘑菇身上的暗示。还从未有过一种暗示 比它们更接近宇宙的暗示。


Pessimists rarely indulge in romantic love toward mushrooms, Or remain faithful as you do to the sensation they give. Common sense tells you, one has to betray nothingness Before nurturing an interest in the mushroom spirit— They can roll and tumble better than the body and flesh do. So they tumble and roll in the pan, and then rolling down your throat, Smooth, tender, and not in the least afraid That what they've possessed might be taken away. They can give A shape to whatever truth an optimist can think of, and show Profound understanding to anything you may wish to hide. They are keen on the smell of stewed young chicken. They welcome the contract between garlic and broccoli. They fall, with their umbrellas open, down into your heart, And turn into a nutritious little god dwelling there. There is not much difference between digestion and dissolution, Not as you might have thought. Before he dissolves, He takes out a fresh menu and passes it over, Asking you to devote more patience to the next order of mushrooms And chew for their hint. This world has not known any hint Having more affinity with the cosmic hint.

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