  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Che Yangao


Che Yangao is a civil servant who earned his PhD in economics from Wuhan University. He is a member of Chinese Writers Association and Hubei Writers Association, whose poetry, essays, prose, reportages published in various journals. He won Annual Excellent Poetry Award by journal October in 2006, Annual Excellent Poets Award by Poetry Monthly in 2007,Top 10 Poets of the Year Award by Poetry Selected and Annual Excellent Poets Award by Poetry Periodical in 2008 and 5th Lu Xun Literature Prize for Poetry in 2010. He is also the author of four books of poetry, including Time is the State, Wake the Dawn, Yearning Warmth, Selected Poems of Che Yangao and a book of essays Li Bai in a Drunk Glance.


Che Wenchi


Wenchi Che, daughter of Yangao Che, was born in 1985 in Hubei Province,China. She has moved to Australia for studying at the age of seventeen. After finishing her science degree at the Melbourne University, she has undertaken respiratory research at Sydney University for 3 years. She is currently studying postgraduate medicine and surgery at the Australian National University.


The Stonemason

能从一块石头的沉默,读出 大山的心思 石匠的性子和凿出的基石一样厚实 习惯了被埋在底层 他们用铁锤和凿子寻找坚硬 手上的茧就是LOGO 凿出柱墩、基石、门当、石狮和街石 石匠看重的人 会用青石为他凿一块碑 用一座山的重量去刻,像刻一座山 有人要石匠为他凿世界上最高的碑 石匠在凿的时候把这个人视为凿去的部分 石匠忙碌了一生,刻了很多碑 却来不及刻自己的墓志铭 他倒下时 铁锤和凿子都累了,靠在墙边 不说话


one can read the mind of the mountain from the silence of the stone the stoneman is as thick as the cornerstone accustomed to his burial beneath the floor they seek hardness with hammer and chisel, the calluses on their hands, their LOGO carving out the pillar, the base, the gate, the stone lion and the cobblestone someone he cares about will chisel a bluestone stele for him carving with the weight of a mountain like a mountain he is asked to build the world's tallest gravestone he cuts the slab with her in mind the stoneman busily carves so many gravestones but finds no time for his own epitaph when he falls to the earth his exhausted hammer and chisel lean against the wall and make no sound

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