  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Wang Dandan

王单单, 生于1982年,云南镇雄人。曾获首届《人民文学》新人奖、2014《诗刊》年度青年诗人奖、第二届《百家》文学奖、2013年度《边疆文学》新锐奖、2015华文青年诗人奖、首届桃花潭国际诗歌艺术节-中国新锐诗人奖、首届“中国天水-李杜诗歌奖”新锐奖、2016-扬子江年度青年诗人奖等。参加《诗刊》社第28届青春诗会,系中国作家协会会员,2016—2017年首都师范大学驻校诗人。出版诗集《山冈诗稿》并入选中国青年出版社“中国好诗-第一季”。

Wang Dandan was born in Zhenxiong, Yunnan in 1982. He has received a number of poetry awards. He is the author of a book of poetry Hill Poems.


Liu Shui


The Lady Who Sells Edamame

她解开第一层衣服的纽扣 她解开第二层衣服的纽扣 她解开第三层衣服的纽扣 她解开第四层衣服的纽扣 在最里层贴近腹部的地方 掏出一个塑料袋,慢慢打开 几张零钞,脏污但匀整 这个卖毛豆的乡下女人 在找零钱给我的时候 一层一层地剥开自己 就像是做一次剖腹产 抠出体内的命根子


She undid the buttons on her first layer of clothing She undid the buttons on her second layer of clothing She undid the buttons on her third layer of clothing She undid the buttons on her fourth layer of clothing From the innermost layer next to her belly She removed a plastic bag and opened it slowly A few bills, dirty but well spaced When the lady who sold edamame Looked for my change, she peeled herself open one layer after another like a C-section Feeling for her lifeblood

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