  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Chen Xianfa


Chen Xianfa (1967-) was born in Tongcheng, Anhui in 1967 and graduated from Fudan University in 1989. He has published several anthologies of poetry, including Death in Springtime, A Past Life,Written Monument of the Heart, A Mystery of Raising a Crane (Taiwan Edition). His novel Soul-Stealing Opera was published in 2006 and a volume of essays, Heichiba Notes in 2014. He has been the recipient of dozens of literary awards, including: The October Poetry Prize; The October Literature Prize; China's Ten Pioneering Poets, 1986 -2006; China's Poets of the Year, 2008; China's Top Ten Influential Poets, 1998-2008; the inaugural China Hainan Poetry Biennial Award; the inaugural Yuan Kejia Poetry Prize; Tian Wen Poetry Prize; Chinese Laureate Poets Award, etc. His works have been translated into English, French, Russian, Spanish, Greek, among others.


Joan Xie

谢炯, 60年代出生在上海。 80年代毕业于上海交通大学管理系。 1988年留学美国,后取得企业管理MBA硕士和法律博士JD学位。2014年底恢复写作。曾在美和著名旅美艺术家郑连杰合作出版诗画集《半世纪的旅途》和散文集《蓦然回首》。诗作发表在《桃花源诗季微刊》,《扬子江诗刊》等。

Joan Xie was born in Shanghai in 1960s. She attended Shanghai Jiaotong University, earning a BA While there. She came to the United States in 1988 to study, earning both an MBA and JD. Her publications include a Half-Century Journey ( 2015, co-authored with Lianjian Zheng) and essay collection Looking Back (2016). Her poems in Chinese have appeared in Peach Blossom Poetry, Yangtze River Poetry Revue and Lips.

Catherine Wei

Catherine Wei在德国和新泽西长大,毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学,主修经济和比较文学,现在一家网络新科技公司上班。 纽约诗人。

Catherine Wei is poet living in New York City. She grew up and attended school in Germany and the U.S. Wei earned a BA with honors from the University of Pennsylvania, where she concentrated in economics and comparative literature. When not writing and studying poetry, Wei works in IT.


Prior Life

要逃,就干脆逃到蝴蝶的体内去 不必再咬着牙,打翻父母的阴谋和药汁 不必等到血都吐尽了。 要为敌,就干脆与整个人类为敌。 他哗地一下脱掉了蘸墨的青袍 脱掉了一层皮 脱掉了内心朝飞暮倦的长亭短亭。 脱掉了云和水 这情节确实令人震悚:他如此轻易地 又脱掉了自已的骨头! 我无限誊恋的最后一幕是:他们纵身一跃 在枝头等了亿年的蝴蝶浑身一颤 暗叫道:来了! 这一夜明月低于屋檐 碧溪潮生两岸 只有一句尚未忘记 她忍住百感交集的泪水 把左翅朝下压了压,往前一伸 说:梁兄,请了 请了----


Should you want to escape, escape to butterflies. no need to grit teeth, overthrowing the tricks and schemes of your parents no need to wait, spitting your last drop of blood. Should you want to defy, defy all of humanity. Suddenly he stripped off the jade robe stained with ink shed a layer of skin shed the soaring dawn and weary dusk in the winding pathways of his pavilion heart shed cloud and water What a surprise: how easily he shed his own bones. My infatuation is forever with the last scene: The pair of butterflies that had waited a million years on the branch trembled, leaped whispering: I'm coming! This night bright moon dips below the eaves green creek rises on both banks. Only one word yet to be forgotten She held back her bittersweet tears pressed her left wing down into place extended them towards him saying: LIANG darling, please, Please-----

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