  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Che Yangao


Che Yangao is a civil servant who earned his PhD in economics from Wuhan University. He is a member of Chinese Writers Association and Hubei Writers Association, whose poetry, essays, prose, reportages published in various journals. He won Annual Excellent Poetry Award by journal October in 2006, Annual Excellent Poets Award by Poetry Monthly in 2007,Top 10 Poets of the Year Award by Poetry Selected and Annual Excellent Poets Award by Poetry Periodical in 2008 and 5th Lu Xun Literature Prize for Poetry in 2010. He is also the author of four books of poetry, including Time is the State, Wake the Dawn, Yearning Warmth, Selected Poems of Che Yangao and a book of essays Li Bai in a Drunk Glance.


Che Wenchi


Wenchi Che, daughter of Yangao Che, was born in 1985 in Hubei Province,China. She has moved to Australia for studying at the age of seventeen. After finishing her science degree at the Melbourne University, she has undertaken respiratory research at Sydney University for 3 years. She is currently studying postgraduate medicine and surgery at the Australian National University.


An Old Couple Cross the Road

他们很恩爱,互相搀扶的手是两条根 那把伞是一棵树冠,像雨中的一片屋顶 在两个人的推让中不断地移向对方 过路的人看到了一幅画面 看到了一种只能意会的相濡以沫 他们已经走了一辈子,每个脚印都是日子 现在走不动了,横着的马路成了万水千山 一辆汽车停下来, 所有的汽车停下来 让两个头上飘雪的老人走过去


they are so in love, hand in hand like entwined roots the umbrella is like a tree crown. The rooftop is being pushed in between them to shelter the other. A scene to the passby, which signify mutual love and care they have came a long way, each day is another step now they can't walk any more, even crossing a street is like conquering mountains and rivers. a car stops, all cars stop waiting for the two silver heads to go pass.

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