  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Huo Junming

霍俊明,河北丰润人,现居北京。诗人、批评家、文学博士后。首都师范大学中国诗歌研究中心兼职研究员、中国现代文学馆首届客座研究员、特邀研究员。著有《尴尬的一代》《变动、修辞与想象》《新世纪诗歌精神考察》《从广场到地方》《萤火时代的闪电》《陌生人的悬崖》《无能的右手》《远方有大事发生》《70后批评家 霍俊明卷》《怀雪》《有些事物替我们说话》《二十世纪中国新诗理论史》等,编著《诗坛的引渡者》《青春诗会三十年诗选》《在巨冰倾斜的大地上行走》《百年新诗大典》等,主编“中国好诗”“天天诗历”“中国年度诗歌精选”。

A poet, critic, and scholar, Huo Junming was born in Hebei and now he is living in Beijing. He has published a dozen of books and collection of poems, including The Embarrassing Generation, Replacement, Rhetoric and Imagination, Poetic Spirits of the New Century, From the Square to the Local, Flash of an Firefly Era, Stranger's Cliff, Incompetent Righthand, An Event Occurred Far Away, Cherishing Snow, Some Things Speak for Us, and New Poetics of the Twentieth Century China. He also served as editor-in-chief for several collections of poems.


Edna Wu

武庆云是《云雨情:中国到美国回忆录》、《伊甸园里俩夏娃, 男妈妈》和《单一鸟》的作者。她的主要学术与翻译著作有:《中英乌托邦文学中的女权统治》(1996年《选择》杂志杰出学术著作)、《繁华梦:王筠传奇》《第三只眼》、《远方有个女儿国》等。她是加州州立大学中文教授。

Edna Wu is the author of Clouds & Rain: A China-to-America Memoir, Two Eves in the Garden of Eden & A Male Mother, and A Single-Winged Bird. Her major academic and translation publications include Female Rule in Chinese and English Literary Utopias (A 1996 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Book), A Dream of Glory: A Chuanqi Play by Wang Yun, a novel about the Chinese People's Liberation Army: The Third Eye, and The Remote Country of Women. She is professor of Chinese at California State University, Los Angeles.


A Separate Mortal World

一扇门,两个世界 进门和出门 有时是两个动作 有时,是生和死 我是个左撇子 梦里打架时却总是先出右拳 有一次我在梦里走完了一生 每次看到那些 被扔掉的衣服和鞋子 总是心头一惊 它们好像刚刚失去了一个故人 中年的她又一次 在梦里的同一个地方 滑倒了 满怀的栗子正密集地滚下山坡 那是时间刚找出来的零钱 望着对岸的雪山和城镇 我们仿佛来自另一个尘世


One door Enter, exit Sometimes are two movements Sometimes, life and death I am a leftist In my dream I always hit with my right first Once I walked through my entire life in one dream Every time I see those Cast away clothes and shoes My heart would be startled to a jump They seem to have just lost an acquaintance Middle-aged she, again Slipped at the same place in a dream Crowded chestnuts are rolling down from her arms to the hillside Those are coins just left by time Looking at the other side of the snow-capped mountain and town We seem to come from a separate mortal world

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