  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson



Hainan, born in the 1960s, contemporary Chinese writer. Her awards include the Liu Li'an Poetry Prize in 1996; Ten Award-Winning Poet in the New Period of China; Poetry Daily Poet Annual Award in 2005; The Sixth Lu Xun Literary Award in Poetry in 2014. Long novels: Pattern, Nightlife, Caravan, Private Life. Essays: Gardens in the air, Screen Sound, My Magic Trip, Cheers, Man. She has published several books of poetry, including Color of Lip, Fictional Roses, What is Behind?. She is the Distinguished Professor of Yunnan Normal University.


Pu Lili


PU Lili graduated from Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, now living in Paris, France. She has translated: 06/2017 élie Faure Histoire de l'art (2017), The Etiquette and Customs of Hani Ethnic Group (2010) and The Blessing Song of Hani.


The Sad Black Elk Lost His Way

那只最忧伤的黑麋鹿迷了路 它们在翻拂的云雾中猜测着 溪水的去处;它们在雷雨来临之前 仰头猜测着人世间最遥远莫测的距离 这是被丝丝缕缕的历史割舍过的痕迹 它们是一段符号,源于一只蜂群的深穴 那只最忧伤的黑麋鹿因为迷了路 在暗夜处,它孤单的皮毛如同暗箱一起一伏 忧伤的黑麋鹿在旷野迷了路 它在荆棘的微光中趴下,吮吸着 溪水中的青苔,然后倒地而眠 宛如用颤栗的梦境划分天堂或地狱的距离 黑麋鹿迷了路,亲爱的黑麋鹿迷了路 它在旷野中躺下去,再辽阔的世界也无法让它苏醒


That saddest black elk lost his way Wandering around in the mist, guessing The destination of the spring; before the thunderstorm arrives Guessing the most unpredictable distance in the world, eyes turned upward This is the trace severed by threadbare history They are a symbol, originating from a deep hive Because that saddest black elk lost his way In the dark night, its lonely fur undulating like a black box The sad black elk lost his way in the wilderness He crouched down in the dim light of thorns, sucking The moss in the brook, and then fell to the ground and slept Just like dividing the distance between heaven and hell with trembling dreams Black elk lost his way, dear black elk lost his way He lies down in the wilderness, even the vast world cannot wake him up


These Gorgeous (Memories), These Bushes, These Loves Without Reasons

在滇西,我遇到了一个男人 他是澜沧江峡谷外种植包谷的人 他是喷吐着烟雾,锄地修草剪枝的人 我望见他的下巴,那些轮廓可以让我眩晕 这些华美,这些灌木丛,这些毫无理由的爱情 在暮色来临之前,又一次在溪水边 在竹篱右侧,我与那只忧伤的黑麋鹿相遇 它醒来了,带着辗转不息的梦幻只看了我一眼 在我所有的忧伤中,这次相遇 替代我申诉着,我听见了诽闻 关于我的不测的时光中那些跳跃的善变 关于我与滇西相遇中命运的演变 亲爱的忧伤,移走在那些华美、灌木丛中的爱情 多么值得我此生用力去接近他光芒的世界


In the west of Yunnan, I met a man He is the guy who plants corn outside of Lancang River Valley He is the guy who smokes, mowing and hoeing I see his chin, and even his visage makes me dizzy These gorgeous, these bushes, these loves without reasons Before the arrival of twilight, once again by the stream side On the right side of bamboo fence, I met that sad black elk He woke up, with the endless dream and glanced at me only once In all my sadness, this encounter Appealing for me, I heard the rumors floating around About my unexpected time in those fleeting impulses About evolution and the fate of the encounter in the west of Yunnan Dear sadness, remove those gorgeous memories, love in the bushes How valuable for me to get to its shinning world with all my strength


The Banshee of Caprice Has Appeared

今天,善变中的女妖已出现 她代替我与你在幽暗的峡谷中蜷曲不息 这是临近春天前夕的午后 那些沙哑的嗓带从森林中冉冉上升 替代我前去与你相遇的那个女妖 带着蜂蜜,那是她变幻妖术的涂料 那些金色的蜂蜜一旦涂于四壁 在猝然中到达的死亡也会变幻莫测 替代我与你相遇的那个女妖 在粉红色的屏障中,摘去面罩 她的脸,可以带来蛇的意像,可以剪辑 彩练,可以制止钝器挑衅的战争 善变中的女妖,替代我前去爱你的 女妖。她替代我前去面对那些从沙粒中落下的骰子


Today, the banshee of caprice has appeared She replaced me to drill in the dark canyon endlessly with you It is the afternoon close to the spring eve Those hoarse voices rising from the forest little by little That banshee who replaced me to meet up with you Carrying honey, which was her witchcraft-altering potion Once that golden honey was painted to the wall Even the sudden death will changed to be mysterious and unpredictable That banshee who replaced me to meet up with you In pink barrier, taking off the mask Her face, which is evocative of snake imagery, can be clipped Super vivid, it can stop the war of blunt provocation That banshee of change, who replaced me to love you The banshee, she replaced me to face those dice falling from the sand

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