  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson



Maozi, was born in Yidu, Hubei in 1960s. His poems appeared in Poetry, The Yangtze River Poetry Journal, Tianya, Poetry Research, Chinese Poetry, etc. He is a recipient of several poetry awards including The Yangtze River Poetry Journal Annual Poet.


Joan Xie

谢炯, 60年代出生在上海。 80年代毕业于上海交通大学管理系。 1988年留学美国,后取得企业管理MBA硕士和法律博士JD学位。2014年底恢复写作。曾在美和著名旅美艺术家郑连杰合作出版诗画集《半世纪的旅途》和散文集《蓦然回首》。诗作发表在《桃花源诗季微刊》,《扬子江诗刊》等。

Joan Xie was born in Shanghai in 1960s. She attended Shanghai Jiaotong University, earning a BA While there. She came to the United States in 1988 to study, earning both an MBA and JD. Her publications include a Half-Century Journey ( 2015, co-authored with Lianjian Zheng) and essay collection Looking Back (2016). Her poems in Chinese have appeared in Peach Blossom Poetry, Yangtze River Poetry Revue and Lips.

Catherine Wei

Catherine Wei grew up and attended school in Germany and the U.S. Wei earned a BA with honors from the University of Pennsylvania, where she concentrated in economics and comparative literature. She lives in New York City.



Catching a Doe

夜里没有事情发生 大早醒来,南边的丛林有了动静 溜烟地跑过去,昨天设下的陷阱里 一只灰獐蜷起受伤的前肢 多么兴奋啊,我想抱起它发抖的身子 当四目相视,它眼里的乞求和无辜 让我力气全无 只能说,是它眸子里的善救了它 接下来的几天,它养伤 我也在慢慢恢复心里某种柔和的东西 山上的日子是默契的 我变得清心寡欲 一个月亮爬上来的晚上,我打开笼子 它迟疑了片刻,猛地扬起如风的蹄子 多么单纯的灰獐啊,它甚至没有回头 它善良到还不知道什么叫感激


At night, nothing happened. Morning came, a rustle in the jungle to the south woke me. I ran there quickly; in a trap I set the day before, a grey doe curled up her injured forelegs. What an excitement! I wanted to pick up her trembling body, but her innocent and begging eyes met mine, and sapped all my strength. I say, the kindness in her eyes saved her. The next few days, while she mended, I too recovered something in my heart a slow coming sort of softness. The days in the mountains brought understanding, my desire stilled. One evening, when the moon climbed high, I opened the cage. She hesitated, then raised her legs like a hooved wind. That innocent doe, she didn't even look back, too pure to know what is gratitude.

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