  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Tang Yangzong


Tang Yangzong was born in Fujian, China in 1959. Once served in the Navy. He is the author of several books of poetry, including Water Gypsy, Stunner, Eleven Letters Sent to Heaven. He won the People's Literature Award, the Chinese Year's Best Poetry Award, and Poetry Periodical annual poetry award.


Joan Xie

谢炯, 生于上海。八十年代中叶就读于上海交通大学管理系,1988年留学美国,获企业管理硕士和法律博士学位。曾出版诗集《半世纪的旅途》(2015),散文集《蓦然回首》(2016),中文诗集《幸福是,突然找回这样一些东西》(2018), 英文翻译诗集《十三片叶子》(2018)。2017年荣获首届德清莫干山国际诗歌节银奖。诗作及译作发表在《诗刊》、《扬子江诗刊》、美国《诗天空》、《文学交流》等。

Joan Xie was born in Shanghai where she attended Shanghai Jiaotong University. She came to the United States in 1988 to study business and law. Her books of poetry and essay collections include Half-Century Journey (2015), Looking Back (2016), Nothing Made Me Happier than Finding These Objects (2018), and Thirteen Leaves (2018). In 2017, she received a Silver award at First Moganshan International Poetry Festival in China. Her poems and translations appeared in Poetry Journal, The Yangtze River Poetry Journal, Exchanges Literature Journal, and Poetry Sky.


The Ballad of Time

一直在做一件事,用竹篮打水 并做得心安理得与煞有其事 我对人说,看,这就是我在人间最隐忍的工作 使空空如也的空得到了一个人千丝万缕的牵扯 深陷于此中,我反复享用着自己的从容不迫。还认下 活着就是漏洞百出。 在世上,我已顺从于越来越空的手感 还拥有这百折不饶的平衡术:从打水 到欣然领命地打上空气。从无中生有的有 到装得满满的无。从打死也不信,到现在,不弃不放


I have been doing one thing: fetching water with a bamboo basket with peace, grace and sincerity. I say, look, this is the job I like to bear most in the world. To make a void fill with the myriad entanglements of a single person I have often enjoyed this calm, and agree that to live is to tolerate loopholes. In the world, I have been resigned to this growing feeling of emptiness and this infallible balancing act: from fetching the water to fetching the air with delight, from seeking something out of nothingness to being stuffed with nothingness, from being a diehard disbeliever, to now a diehard adherent.

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