  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Yuan Ren


Yuan Ren, a contemporary Chinese writer and member of Chinese Writers Association, born in Hunan province in 1970, now works in Hunan Writers Association. He began his writing at the age of 17. He has published a number of novels, poetry collections, collections of essays etc. He's also the chief editor of Chinese Poetry in 21st Century and the columnist of several media. His poems are published in various journals and poetry anthologies.


Shu Dandan


Shu Dandan, born in Changde, Hunan Province in1972, poet and translator. She is the translator of several Chinese translation edition of English poetry collections, including The Colleted poems of Philip Larkin and Raymond Carver. Her poems appeared in various poetry journals and anthologies. She is the winner of several translation awards and poetry award.


Watching Birds in the Wetland

湿地仿佛一片草原 阳光如被子,盖在 元旦的枯草丛中 河流诞生在周围 我们想在这里看鸟 看一种飞翔和鸣叫 像看另一种生活 奇妙地展开在高处 但鸟整天没有出现 仿佛这里没有鸟 也不会有人,我们沿着草坡 走到更低的旷远深处 在那里,草丛挖开泥土 升起来干燥的气息 仿佛世界刚刚被创造 大地只有寂静和永生的光


The wetland looks like a prairie, and sunlight a quilt, covering the dry grass on New Year's Day, with a river born around. We want to watch birds here, watch a kind of flying and singing, like watching another life unfolding on high in a wondrous way. But birds didn't show up all day long, as if there were no birds here, nobody else either. Along the grass-slope, we go deeper and deeper. There, the grass digs up the soil, with dry breath rising, as if the world were just created, only silence and eternal light on the land.

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