  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Lan Lan


Lan Lan (1967-), aka. Hu Lanlan, is a renowned poet of Henan origin. She writes poetry, prose and plays, and she also write for children. She has authored more than 30 books, and garnered dozen literary prizes at home and abroad. The Ferry of the World and Back from Muse's Valley are her two poetry collections published in 2018.


Jinghua Fan


Fan Jinghua, born in 1965, is a poet and translator. His poems have been published in literary magazines and anthologies in Mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, France, Singapore and USA, and he has been invited to poetry festivals. He is a university lecturer and lives in Singapore.


I Know

我知道树叶如何瑟瑟发抖。 知道小麦如何拔节。我知道 种子在泥土下挣破厚壳就像 从女人的双腿间生出。 我看到过炊烟袅袅升起,在二郎庙的山脚 树林和庄稼迅速变换着颜色。 山谷的溪水从石滩上流走 淙淙潺潺,水声比夜更辽远。 这一切把我引向对你的无知的痛苦。 我知道。


I know how leaves shiver on the trees. I know how wheat stems elongate. I know The seeds in the soil break open the husk Like coming out from the crotch of a woman. I've seen cooking smoke rise from the mountain foot below Erlang Temple, And the woods and crops change colors rapidly there. Creek water flows over rocky bed in the valley, Burbling and gurgling, the rippling is deeper and broader than night. This introduces me the pain that I am ignorant of you. I know I know.

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