  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Yuan Liang


Yuan Liang was born in Chongqing, China. He moved to Shanghai with his parents while he attended elementary school. He graduated from Fudan University and holds graduate degrees from two American universities. He is a member of PoetrySky Poets Association and he has published a book of poetry Beneath the Wall of April (2009), Homesick of Time (2010), The Primitive Corner (2011), The Silent Color (2012), Arriving Season (2013), and Sun Wheel (2014). He lives in Southern California.


Yuan Liang


Eucharistic Effect

一个人倒下之后 他的血脉涌出江河 他被完全掏空 只留下名字 他的身影是星星眨眼 是记忆的开关 你可以在任何时候 从眼前任一景物 重溯他的光荣历史 然后,将今世的苦难 全部参与其中 看着它们无声地稀释 红肿的伤口 开出一朵朵血色玫瑰 这与其说是新的生成 毋宁说是根本转变 不是苦难自身转体 而是苦难在你的身心 引发的感知变化了 在你的窗外 阴影仍然是阴影 仍然有着黑熊的狰狞 但是,你变得沉着自若 懂得如何与之周旋了


After a person fell down his blood has rushed out a river He has been completely emptied out Only the name remains His figure is a blinking star and a switch of memory At any time from any scene in front you can recall his glorious past Then, engage all your present sufferings in it until bloody roses blossom out of the red swollen wound It is the process of ultimate transforming rather than a new generating Not that the sufferings turn themselves away but that the sufferings in your body and mind have changed your perception about them Outside your window The shadow is still a shadow still a ferocious black bear But you become calm and self-composed knowing how to cope with it

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