  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Luo Guangcai


Luo Guangcai, born in 1969 in Hebei Province, P. R. China, is a poet and poetry critic. He now lives in Tianjin as the editor-in-chief of Tianjin Poets. He is a signatory writer of the 14th Hebei Literary Institute. He has published several poetry collections, including Selected Poems of Luo Guangcai, Love for Poetry, The Poems of Luo Guangcai.


Zhang Zhizhong

张智中(1966— ),河南博爱人。南开大学典籍翻译及译论研究方向博士,河南大学诗歌翻译博士后。现为天津师范大学翻译研究所所长、外国语学院教授,硕士研究生导师。《世界诗人》季刊客座总编,国际诗歌翻译研究中心副主席。出版编、译、著80余部。获第十五届全国韩素音青年翻译征文(汉译英)优秀奖、第二届"蔡丽双博士-世界诗歌奖-杰出翻译家奖"和中国当代诗歌奖(2000—2010)翻译奖等。

Zhang Zhizhong (1966-), translator, poet and scholar. His ancestral place is Bo'ai County of Henan Province. He earned a doctor's degree in translation studies from Nankai University, and he has done his postdoctoral study in aesthetics of poetry translation at Henan University. He is now director of Translation Studies Center of Tianjin Normal University, and professor of Foreign Languages College of Tianjin Normal University, guest editor of The World Poets Quarterly and vice chairman of International Poetry Translation and Research Centre. He has published over 80 books. In 2003 he won Excellence Award in the 15th National Translation (Chinese-English) Competition for Youth Sponsored by Han Suyin; In 2006 he won the Prize for Distinguished Translator in the 2nd World Poetry Prizes Sponsored by Dr. CHOI Laisheung. In 2011 he won the Translation Prize of "Contemporary Chinese Poetry Prizes (2000-2010)."


The Setting Sun

这么多年我总像一张软纸 模糊不清又层层叠叠 浓稠的牧歌飘远如丝如酥 云杉喑哑落日斑驳 这样的高清屏保 点燃和熄灭了我们的目光有许多年了 我这里也有足够多的短暂的落下 长久的沦陷和微弱的渔火 落日,是我病逝多年的父亲 我的来处有影 落日,是我86岁高龄的母亲 我的去处无踪 落日,是16岁的丫头对我的怨恨 不知是明年还是后年才能化解或依然如故 落日,是我身边这位爱穿红衣的女子, 我怕她离开所以总是在梦中醒来 看床边的她在还是不在


Through years I am always like a piece of soft paper Blurring and overlapping The thick pastoral is ethereally flimsy and flaky The spruce is silent and the setting sun is mottled Such screen protection of high definition Has enkindled and smothered our sight years ago With me there is adequate temporary falling Long-time subjugation and weak lights on fishing boat The setting sun is my father who has passed away for years There is a shadow from where I come The setting sun is my mother who is 86 years of age My destination is traceless The setting sun is the hate of my 16-year daughter to me Not knowing the next year or the year after next can it be solved or it remains the same The setting sun is the woman beside me who likes to wear in red I am afraid of her leaving and I always awake from the dream To see whether or not she is still by the bed

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