  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Shu Dandan


Shu Dandan, a contemporary Chinese poet and translator, born in Changde, Hunan Province in 1972, now lives in Guangzhou. Her poems and translations have appeared in various poetry journals and anthologies. Her poetry collections include A Dragonfly Visiting, Oranges In Late Autumn. She is also the translator of several English poetry collections, including Collected Poems of Philip Larkin, Complete Poems of Raymond Carver, and Selected Poems of Paul Muldoon. Her works also include An Album of Paintings and Poems. She is the recipient of numerous national poetry awards and translation awards, including "Poetry Exploration Award", "The Best Poet Award 2016", etc. She has ever been invited to participate in many international poetry festivals including The 3rd Iasi International Poetry Festival in Romania, and was honored with the title of "Poetry Ambassador" by the government of Iasi.


Shu Dandan


Sitting Alone By The Pond In An Old Village

安静得像只青蛙 芭蕉叶举着浓绿的大扇子,苹婆树开白花 几根枯篱围起一畦菜垄,油麦菜 长得倔强。风和夕光从枝叶间穿过 扰不乱一丁点秩序 你可以听见傍晚的晦暗送来各种声响: 墨绿的池水,像个巨大的敞口坛子 虫鼓,鸟鸣,黑蝙蝠扑翅 青蛙跃进古池里—— 完美的疏离,完美的幽寂,而你 静笃如一个内心的听戏者 你是你自己的水面 你是你自己的影子 你可以凝视一个神秘的临波照影 也可以随时起身,或掷一枚小石子 击碎水波的褶皱中你自身的幻象 将风的背影留给广阔的黄昏


As quiet as a frog, you sit alone by the pond in an old village. Banana leaves holding huge fans, sterculia trees in full bloom, in a vegetable plot surrounded by fences, lettuces are growing stubbornly. Wind and sunlight pass through the leaves without disturbing any order. You can hear various noises sent by the twilight. The dark green pond, is like a huge open-mouthed jar. Insects chirping, birds twittering, black bats flapping their wings, and frogs leaping into the pond---- perfect alienation, perfect loneliness, while you are quiet as a listener of your heart. You are your own water. You are your own shadow. You may stare at the mysterious vision on the water, or stand up any time, throwing a pebble breaking your own phantasm in the ripples, leaving your back to the broad dusk.

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