  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson



Yves, poet, writer. He began to publish at the age of 16. He has worked as editor, reporter and producer for newspapers and TV stations. His works appeared in Poetry Periodical, Cao Tang and many other journals and a number of important anthologies. He has published two literary monographs Living Space and Dark. Dark was on the shelves of bookstores in Malaysia. He is the editor-in-chief of Selected Poems of Chinese Poets (Taiwan edition). He was invited to attend the Thai world Chinese literature conference, the Hong Kong literature exchange, the third China Ewha poetry festival, the international peak forum on landscape poetry, and the second poetry society for youth. In 2017, he was awarded the international Chinese poetry prize by Ministry of Culture of Thailand.




Some Images Related To Spring

是的,我们等来了春风、蜜蜂 和花朵的盛开 至于蝴蝶,也不甘于寂寞 你看,荷花已经提前介入 像乡下赶集的女子 在春天的第一时间 闹腾开了 我忧伤,我经过的每一条河都是混沌的 而荷花在你的笔墨之间 却显得高贵、圣洁,不容亵渎 即使是一片残荷 你也可以让它起死回生 我们欢呼回到了春天 没有春光,河流会枯萎 我们会慢慢老去


Yes, we waited for the spring breeze, the bees The blossoming of flowers As for butterflies, they are not content to be lonely Look, the lotus has already intervened in advance Like a girl from the countryside In the first hours of spring There's a lot going on I am sad, every river I pass is chaotic The lotus flowers between your pen and ink But noble, holy, and untouchable Even if it's a remnant Or you can bring it back to life We cheered back to spring Without spring light the river would wither We'll grow old


Write About Spring, Amnesia, Natural Repair

此刻,她坐在一张藤椅上 春光正淫乱地照在她的身上 春草萌动,她有些心猿意马 在她的周围长成了一爿墙,尽管是潦草的 她却感受到久违的幸福,她终于逃离 一切阴谋与背叛 她静静地享受光的恩赐 春光浩荡,藤蔓在她的内心交错 那些失忆的事物,比如光阴,比如爱 随着草長莺飞,随着昼长夜短 竟然如同身边的枯藤,自然修复 她在光阴中骑马、射箭 她在马背上抒写草原的辽阔 风和天空一般纯净 风轻轻一吹,她的胸脯便和草一般低垂 她回到原始的土房子去,她要亲手疗伤 一匹在匹配中受伤的骆驼


She was sitting on a wicker chair at the moment The spring light was falling on her licentiously The spring grass was springing up on her Some of her heart and mind had grown into a wall around her Though she had scrawled, she felt the happiness She had not seen for a long time She had at last escaped from all the intrigues and betrayals The grace of the quiet enjoyment of the light The spring light was mighty, and the vines were interlaced With the things that had been lost in her Such as time Such as love with the long grass yingfei, as the day is long and the night is short Like the withered vine around, natural repair She rode and shot in time She wrote on horseback of the vast winds of the prairie And of the pure air of the sky Her breast drooped like the grass She returned to the primitive house of earth To heal with her own hands a camel that had been wounded in the match


The Feast Of A Cup Of Wine
——A Painting By Li Yiyin The Feast

从果核开始,所有的花朵像潮水般涌来 这些含着暗香的花朵,掩饰着内心的慌乱 一匹马的出现,竟然让它们繁花盛开 杯觥交错,不过是生活中的一个假象 夜幕下的盛宴,一杯酒就可抵达幸福


From the core, all the flowers like a flood of these flowers With a faint fragrance, to cover up the inner panic Of the emergence of a horse, even let them Bloom in full bloom, the cup is staggered, but in life is a false feast Under the night, a glass of wine can reach happiness

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