  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Wang Jianzhao

汪剑钊 1963年10月出生于浙江省湖州市。北京外国语大学外国文学研究所教授。出版有:专著《中俄文字之交》《二十世纪中国的现代主义诗歌》《阿赫玛托娃传》《诗歌的乌鸦时代》;诗集《比永远多一秒》《汪剑钊诗选》;译著《俄罗斯白银时代诗选》《俄罗斯的命运》《勃洛克抒情诗选》《波普拉夫斯基诗选》《二十世纪俄罗斯流亡诗选》《普希金抒情诗选》《曼杰什坦姆诗全集》《茨维塔耶娃诗集》《阿赫玛托娃诗选》等;业余从事汉语现代诗的写作,曾在《人民文学》《诗刊》《十月》《诗江南》《星星诗刊》《大家》《山花》等国内重要文学刊物发表有原创作品,部分诗歌被选入数十种文集、选集和年选。

Wang Jianzhao was born in Huzhou, Zhejiang province in Oct, 1963. He is professor at Foreign Literature Institute, Beijing Foreign Studies University. He is the author of Literature Exchange between China and Russia, Chinese Modern Poetry in the 20th Century, Biography of Akhmatova, Poetry's Raven Age, One Second more than the Forever, Selected Poems of Wang Jianzhao and translator of Selected Poems in Russian Silver Times, The Destiny of Russia, Selected Lyrical Poems of Blok, Selected Poems of Poplavsky, Selected Russian Exile Poems, Selected Lyrical Poems of Pushkin, The Complete Poems of Mandelstam, An Anthology of Tsvetayeva and Selected Poems of Akhmatova. He writes poems in his spare time, and his poems were published on People's Literature, Poetry Monthly, October, Poetry of Jiang'nan, Star Poetry Journal, Master and Mountain Flower. His poems were included in dozens of poetry anthologies, collections and annual poetry selections.


Liu Liping


Liu Liping was born in July, 1977, in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province. He is an Associate Professor of English at Tianjin Foreign Studies University. He received his doctorate in literature at Beijing Foreign Studies University, and was a visiting scholar at the University of Pennsylvania. His areas of research include British and American poetry. His essays and translation were published in Foreign Literature, World Literature, Literature in Chinese, and Chinese-Western Poetry. He is the author of On New York School of Poets (Nankai University Press, 2014), the translator of Selected Poems of New York School of Poets (Xinhua Publishing House, 2017) and the chief editor of Notes on Classics: Jane Eyre (Dalian University of Technology Press, 2010).


Crow in the Moonlight

这座大楼比棺材更幽闭 一小步的错失 从生命的走廊踏进死亡的广场 女巫在喑哑的花丛里狞笑 睡着的是眼睛醒着的是心 写作中的我 像一只月光下的乌鸦 尖喙轻叩白纸 不祥的尾巴划过斑驳的墙壁 洞开一扇窄门 任凭想象的肉体自由进出 牙齿老去舌头依然健在 祖父的亡灵低低告诉我 关于坟墓中迷人的游戏 牙齿与舌头一辈子的争斗 柔软磨蚀了坚硬 我面前的这张纸 透显大片神秘的空白 一个单词的降临 宣示人间莫名的奇迹 我知道我最终将老去 如同死去的乌鸦 闻不到蔷薇的芳香 散落的羽毛是零乱的叹息 大楼在晨曦初绽的片刻訇然倒塌 传说里的蝴蝶并未出现 写作中的我不动声色 仿佛一切出自我的阴谋 羽毛斜插在月光缺席的地方


This building is more confined than a coffin A half step blunder I'll go from the corridor of life into the square of death A Sybil is fleering in silent flowers The eyes are asleep but the heart is awake I am writing just like A crow in the moonlight The beak knocks a blank sheet Ominous tail flits across the pied walls A kissing gate is open To let imagination's flesh come in and out freely The teeth have gone while the tongue is still there Grandfather's ghost told me in a low voice The charming game about the tomb and A lifelong combat between teeth and tongue Suppleness encroaches on hardness The paper before me Illustrates a great patch of secret blankness The befalling of a word Proclaims a nameless miracle I know I would grow old and die As a died crow I cannot smell the fragrance of rosebush Falling feathers are the disorderly signs The building collapsed at the moment of morning sunlight Butterfly in the legend doesn't appear I do not turn a hair in writing As if everything comes from my plot A feather is inserted obliquely in the place without moonlight


Snowflakes Are Rotting at Night

风的声音裹挟沦陷北方的我 枯叶如同溃散的败兵走投无路 我与孤灯并肩共读卡蒙斯的遗作 葡萄牙古语诡秘一如天书 我伸出汉语的手指 触摸诗歌的根须 寂寞像板结的土地坚硬异常 生存的艰难已经潜入语言 我放弃词语组合的游戏 想念白昼邂逅的美人 揣摩在彬彬有礼举动下的暗示 表白无疑是一次鲁莽的冒险 或许是爱情的路标或许是友谊的墓碑 连上帝也无法妄加裁定 在沉默中品味忧伤的甜蜜 不见创伤的疼痛给人受虐的快感 而雪花正在黑夜里腐烂 无耻的黑正在吞噬最后的白 哦美貌是一种剧毒 比见血封喉的箭毒木更为深入人心


The sound of wind engulfs me who has already been assimilated in the north Withered leaves are driven from pillar to post which are just like defeated soldiers Together with solitary lamp I am reading the posthumous works of Camoens Mysterious ancient Portuguese is just like a sealed book I stretch out my Chinese fingers To touch the beard of poetry Loneliness is extraordinary hard like the harden soil The hardship of existence has infiltrated into language I give up the game of collocation And miss the beauty I met in the day Conjecturing the implication of urbane comportment Self-revealing undoubtedly is an imprudent adventure It may be the signpost of love or the tombstone of friendship Which god cannot judge rashly I begin to taste the sweetness of desolation in silence Ache without wound gives people the masochistic pleasure However, snowflakes are rotting at night Infamous darkness is engulfing the ultimate whiteness O beauty is a kind of lethal toxin, Penetrating into one's heart more deeply than the upas curare wood

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