  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Wen Rong

文榕,原名顾文榕,香港文联常务副秘书长、香港散文诗学会副会长、香港诗人协会理事、香港《橄榄叶》诗报主编。于海内外报刊杂志发表诗歌、散文诗、人物专访﹑散文随笔等六百余篇(首),著有诗集《轻飞的月光》、散文诗集《比春天更远的地方》等六部 。作品被编入中学语文教材,并被选入《大诗坛──中国诗歌选名家经典》《中国散文诗百年经典》《新中国六十年文学大系》等多种诗文集。获两岸四地华语诗歌高峰论坛华语优秀诗篇奖、第三届中国散文诗天马奖等奖项。

Wen Rong, formerly known as Gu Wenrong, is the Executive Deputy Secretary General of Hong Kong Federation of Literary and Art Union, Vice President of the Hong Kong Prose Poetry Society, Director of the Hong Kong Poets Association, and Chief Editor of Hong Kong Olive Leaves Poetry newspaper. She has published more than 600 poems/articles, including poems, prose poems, personal interviews, and essays in newspapers and magazines at home and abroad and six books such as, a poem collection, The Gentle Flying Moonlight, and a prose collection A Place Farther Away From Spring, etc. She won the award of the Chinese Excellent Poetry Award In The Chinese Language Summit Forum and The 3rd Prose Poetry Tianma Award Of China.


Sophy Chen


How Can I Penetrate The Light Of The Green Leaves

我如何能穿透绿叶的亮光 把手印在遥远的指纹上 把晨曦的一抹影子 轻轻地嵌在胸口 我如何能穿透绿叶的亮光 越过开满桃花的小路 在每一滴雨水中飘洒 深入大地的伤口 彷佛时光回声里落叶的面庞 不透露一些春的消息 水缓缓流向天空 云彩瞬息改变了内容 我要的只是一瓣思念 迎向远方花朵的笑容 我如何能穿透绿叶的亮光 唤醒过去未来崭新的颂唱


How can I penetrate the light of the green leaves Print my hands on the distant fingerprints And make a shadow on the morning light Gently embeded in my chest How can I penetrate the light of the green leaves Pass through the path full of peach blossoms And float in every drop of rain Deeply into the wounds of the earth Like the face of fallen leaves in the echoes of time Do not disclose some spring news Water slowly flowed to the sky The clouds changed the content at once All I want is a piece of miss A smile that greets to the distant flowers How can I penetrate the light of the green leaves And awaken the new song of the past

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