  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Xiang Ming


Xiang Ming's real name is Dong Ping. He is a member of Taiwan Blue Star Poetry Society.He has won the Medal of Chinese Literature and Art, the Gold Prize of the Soul of Poetry in the Mainland, and is known in Taiwan as the Confucian Poet. He has published a collection of poems, Rainy Day Book, Outside Wind is Cold and so on. The World Academy of Arts and Culture conferred the degree of Doctor of Letters Honoris Causa in 1988.




Yves, poet, writer. He began to publish at the age of 16. He has worked as editor, reporter and producer for newspapers and TV stations. His works appeared in Poetry Periodical, Cao Tang and many other journals and a number of important anthologies. He has published two literary monographs Living Space and Dark. Dark was on the shelves of bookstores in Malaysia. He is the editor-in-chief of Selected Poems of Chinese Poets (Taiwan edition). He was invited to attend the Thai world Chinese literature conference, the Hong Kong literature exchange, the third China Ewha poetry festival, the international peak forum on landscape poetry, and the second poetry society for youth. In 2017, he was awarded the international Chinese poetry prize by Ministry of Culture of Thailand.


Old Master's Chair

须发皆白的老太师 早就歇进大明那皱摺的江山了 鸡翅木的纹饰里 这座椅还飘着几丝陈年的 迷迭香 闲置得够久的 这张厚重的木椅 还一直巴巴的等待 当年太师的正直威望 园子里的鸡翅木 落过不知多少次叶 耍酷的后现代儿孙们见了 总觉得一辈子 得这么周正的坐着 要多别扭就有多别扭


The old master, with his hair all white He have long rested in the wrinkled mountains of Daming. In the ornamentation of the chicken-winged wood. The chair is also flecked with a few strands of aged rosemary. The heavy wooden chair that had been idle Long enough had been waiting For the integrity and prestige of the old master. Chicken-winged wood in the garden. How many times have the leaves fallen? Meet the cool postmodern kids and grandkids. Always feel like a lifetime. You have to sit so straight. As awkward as it is awkward.

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