  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Yang Hui

杨荟,彝族 ,云南人,中国作协会员,鲁迅文学院学员。写诗,画画,有作品在《诗刊》《民族文学》《作家文摘》《大家》等刊物发表。

Yang Hui, a native of Yi minority in Yunnan province, member of Chinese Writing Association, graduate of Lu Xun Literature Institute at Beijing Normal University. Specialized in poetry creation and picture drawing,she has published works in Poetry, National Literature, Writer's Digest, Master and other periodicals.


Gui Qingyang


Gui Qingyang, Han Nationality,a native of Yushan, Jiangxi province. Holder of PhD in translation from Lingnan University, Hong Kong; full professor of English Language and Literature from Zhejiang International Studies University; member and FIT ID Card holder of Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs; secretary general of Hong Kong International Association of Creativity;vice president of the Educational Council, Hong Kong Quality and Talent Migrants Association; member of International Academy for Intercultural Research.



在同一个黄昏 同一块暗礁 同一种孤独里垂钓 看着上钩的鱼 惊惧 挣扎 痛苦 在瓮里走投无路 巨大的悲哀和深深的绝望后 又把鱼一条一条放回水里 空手而归 他总是这样 拉直心里的鱼钩 用抄过的《心经》做饵 一次次把自己挂上去 ——直到疼 直到想起自己是个人 他甚至 想把锋利的鱼钩含在嘴里 惊惧 挣扎 痛苦 走投无路 在巨大的悲哀和深深的绝望后 ——放生自己


At the same dusk On the same hidden reef In the same solitude is he fishing Watching the hooked fish so frightened Struggling so painfully and desperately as if in a barrel Trapped in deep despair as well as great sorrow He decides to release the fish into the water one by one Returning home empty-handed as he always does Straightening the fishhook in his heart Using the copied Heart Sutra as a bait He hooks himself up again and once again Until it hurts Until he realizes that he is a human being He even attempts To hold sharp fishhook in his own mouth So frightening to him So painfully and desperately is he struggling Trapped in great sorrow and extreme despair ——He releases himself

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