  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Lin Mang


Lin Mang was born in November 1949. He went to primary and high school in Beijing. In 1969 he went to Bai Yang Dian, beginning to write poetry and became one of the key members of Bai Yang Dian Poetry Group. He taught in high school and college in Beijing until he worked for China Writers' Association in 1992. He also writes non-fiction and poetry critical articles. His publications include I flow over the land, Lin Mang's Poetry, Eternal Instants, Short Poems by Lin Mang, The Light Penetrating Years. He has edited a number of poetry anthologies. He is one of the key editors of Poetry Exploration.


Mario Li

Mario Li is an American Chinese, with interests in poetry, photography, arts, gaming, history and the future, residing in Nevada, USA.



14 Lines: The End Of Summer ? Roses

玫瑰猝不及防的闪光使一切变得暗淡 时间抽去了阳光的骨架 为最灿烂的一瞬 我们等待了整整一个夏天 雨水淅沥 敲击古老的家园 划过黄昏的鸟群 打破 陈年的寂静 它们的鸣叫 使伞下归家的人们突然听到了某种呼唤 在这城市的边缘 巨型卡车驶出烟雨迷蒙的工地 公牛般地碾过泥泞的街区 在连接现在 过去与未来之间 当我们扭断了那条明晃晃的时光的锁链 断裂处 我看见许多玫瑰般美好的画面


The sudden unexpected flash of roses made everything dim. Time has taken away the skeleton of sunlight. For this most brilliant moment, We have waited a whole summer. Rain pounds on ancient homes. Flying across the evening sky, birds break Aging tranquility. Their calls Make people returning home under their umbrellas sense some kind of message. At the edge of this city, Giant trucks drive out of a misty construction site, Like bulls tearing through muddy streets. Connecting the present to the past and the future, When we have broken the radiant chain of time, At that fracture, I behold so many beautiful, rose-like pictures.


Hometown, Canola Fields, Trees And The First Thing I Want To Say

是春天,是鹅黄的一片,开在水边和返青的冬麦田旁 村口的树丛仍光裸着 春把希望和一丝过去的忧伤同写在二月 一片鹅黄的菜花地,在南风中,颜色是透明的,轻快的,轻快地摇荡 像我小女儿的心 而父辈们在土地那边留下了走得河道般低洼的路 (多雨的季节可怎么行走) 在阳光和泛起的泥土气息中 候鸟们在筑巢的季节里做它们最后的选择 飞过水面、掠过鹅黄的菜花地 终于栖落在那片褐色的树丛中 绕过那些树干,你在想什么 在久别的故乡 在那片茫茫若失的薄雾的后面 我又听到了犬吠和村子里清晨的喧闹 那片鹅黄的菜花地已开放了许多年 生命之火有时候燃烧得很平静


It's spring, there is a patch of yellow, next to the green fields of winter wheat by the water. The trees are still bare at the village entrance. Spring has written hopes, together with a trace of sadness from the past, into February. A patch of yellow, the flowers of the canola field, with a look of transparency, are briskly swaying and swaying, in the breezes from the south, Just like the heart of my little daughter. And the path by the fields, left behind by the older generation, So worn, so low, like a river bed ( How does one pass through in the rainy season?) It still remains in the sunshine and the smells of soil. The migrating birds made their choice in the nesting season, They flew over the water and through the yellow canola field, Finally settling in those brown trees. Getting behind those trees, what's on your mind? In the hometown you left a long time ago, Behind the mist of lost feelings, Again I heard dogs barking and the noisy morning of the village. That patch of yellow, the flowers of the canola field have been in bloom for many years. There are times the fire of life burns serene...


An Autumn Afternoon Sun

多好啊 时间你别动 我在这午后的阳光下读书 幸福得像一块山崖 一棵树 一片草场 群山怀抱里悠然自得的羊群 书中的幸福就是我的幸福 不 我不是山崖 不是一棵树 也不是羊群 我们被日子驱赶 一只只无形的手 我们为世俗的一切所操纵 是我们自己进入了这种生活 是的 多么无奈的进入 那短暂的幸福 是属于秋阳的 在初秋 这午后的 阳光下的幸福 多么寂静


It's so good! Time, please don't move. I'm reading in the sunshine of the afternoon, As happy as a cliff, As a tree, as a pasture, As the sheeps freely grazing on the mountains The happiness in the book is my happiness. No, I am not a cliff, Not a tree, not the sheep. We are driven by time, Invisible hands. We are manipulated by the cares of the world. It is us, ourselves who have chosen this life. Yes, such a helpless entry. Temporary happiness Belongs to the autumn sun. In early autumn, On an afternoon, this happiness under the sun Is so quiet!

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