  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Rodger Martin

Rodger Martin is an editor, a teacher, a poet, a mentor of students, and a journalist. He has published Paradise Lost adapted for Dramatic Reading: co-editor B. Eugene McCarthy. (Keene State College, 2014), The Battlefield Guide, (Brookline, N.H.: Hobblebush Books, 2009) and The Blue Moon Series, (Brookline, N.H.: Hobblebush Books, 2006). He served as the editor of The Worcester Review during 1986 to 2012 and is currently the co-editor of The Granite State Poetry Series. He lives in Hancock, New Hampshire.

罗杰·马丁(Rodger Martin,1948-):出生在宾夕法尼亚州阿米什农村,在英国度过童年。1966年参加侵越战争,1967年负伤后复员。获宾州米勒维尔大学学士(1972)和新罕布什尔州基恩学院硕士(1979),毕业后留校教新闻学。他先任教于基恩州立学院,教授新闻学,兼任全国教育协会和诗歌基金会诗歌对话练习新罕布什尔州项目主任。1986年以来,任诗歌杂志《伍斯特评论》(The Worcester Review)主编。新罕布什尔州艺术委员会委员。出版的诗集除上述《葛底斯堡》外,还有《尼莫诗篇:火星人视角》(The Nemo Poems: A Martian Perspective,1992)、《蓝月系列诗》(The Blue Moon Series,2007)和《战场指南》(The Battlefield Guide, 2010)。他的诗歌、小说和研究密尔顿《失乐园》的论文获阿巴拉契亚诗歌奖(1998)和新罕布什尔州艺术委员会颁发的小说奖(1990)以及两次获国家人文基金资助奖(1990,2001)、两次获新罕布什尔州艺术委员会颁发的新作品奖(1998,2001)。


Ziqing Zhang

张子清是南京大学外国文学研究所教授,北京外国语大学华裔美国文学研究中心客座研究员。哈佛-燕京访问学者(1982-83),美国富布莱特访问学者(1993-94)。中国作家协会会员、全国美国文学研究会常务理事、中国比较文学学会会员。代表作:《20世纪美国诗歌史》(1995,1997)。主编 “华裔美国小说丛书”(译林出版社)、“西方人看中国丛书”(南京出版社)。

Ziqing Zhang is professor of Institute of Foreign Literature, Nanjing University, Nanjing, guest research Fellow of Chinese American Literature Research Center, Beijing University of Foreign Studies, Beijing. He was a visiting scholar as a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University from 1982 to 1983 and Fulbright Scholar at Harvard University and The University of California at Berkeley from 1993 to 1994. His works include A History of 20th Century American Poetry (1995, 1997), Selected Poems of T.S.Eliot (1985), Selected American Poems (1993) and Birthday Letters by Ted Hughes (1998). He has co-authored Two Sides of the Globe: Contemporary Chinese and American Literatures and Their Comparison (1993) and On American New Pastoral Poems (2006). He has received many awards including The First Prize of Humanities Research Science Foundation of Nanjing University in 1998.

Watering the Horse


Twenty-seven below, starkness before dawn; I scrunch through snow toward an impassive shape sacred in her night-long confessional. A fine layer of unmelted powder quilts the long hairs that insulate her back. I remove a glove and sew my fingers beneath the fur, her skin comforting as toast. Were I better equipped, perhaps bearing grain she might condescend to snort, but I check only water. She watches—should I stumble I would quickly stiffen like these rails which keep my world at length, words useless against the cold as wet flannel. Here, she is composer writing on the vapor of her breath. Note: The English version of Watering the Horse first appeared in the journal Diner (2001).


黎明前是那样的严寒,华氏零下27度, 我嘎吱嘎吱踏着积雪,走向一个冷静的身影- 在她通宵的忏悔里显得很神圣。薄薄一层 未融化的雪粒罩在她背部隔热的棕毛上。 我脱下手套,手指伸进她柔软的毛里, 她的皮肤摸起来好像刚烤好的热面包。 如果我准备得好一些,也许带着食料来,对此 她可能不屑一顾地喷鼻息,但我只查看了饮水。 她凝望着我---倘若我跌倒的话,我会很快 僵硬得像这些围起来的栏杆,这最终支撑 我的世界的栏杆,话语像湿绒布无法御寒。 在这里,她是用她鼻息的热气写作的作者。

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