  Yidan Han

  Contributing Editor:
  Kyle David Anderson

Jialu Mi

米家路,原名米佳燕,重庆人,四川外语学院英美文学学士(1985),北京大学文学硕士(1991),香港中文大学比较文学博士(1996),加州大学戴维斯分校跨文化研究和电影研究博士(2002)。现任美国新泽西州新泽学院英文系和世界语言与文化系副教授。中文及亚洲研究学部主任。学术研究涉及中西现代诗歌,电影与视像,文化批评理论,后殖民理论与性别研究以及生态文化。英文著作包括:《中国现代诗歌中的自我模塑与省性现代性, 1919-1949》,《环境挑战时代的中国生态电影》(与鲁晓鹏合编)。主编《四海为诗:旅美华人离散诗歌精选》(2014)。现居新泽西普林斯顿。

Jiayan Mi (penname Jialu Mi) completed his M.A. in Comparative Literature at Peking University, and his Ph.D.s in English, Comparative Literature and Visual Culture at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of California at Davis. He works mainly on Literature and Chinese Modernity, East-West Comparative Poetics, New Chinese/Asian Cinema and Asian American Diaspora Literature. In addition to the publication of articles in both Chinese and English on visual and cinematic culture, globalization and cultural consumption, and East-West literary, postcolonial and gender politics, he has authored Self-Fashioning and Reflexive Modernity in Modern Chinese Poetry, 1919-1949 (2004), edited Poetry Across Oceans: An Anthology of Chinese American Diaspora Poetry (2014) and Chinese Ecocinema in the Age of Environmental Challenge (2009, co-edited with Sheldon Lu).


Lucas Klein

Lucas Klein is a writer, translator, and editor. His translations, poems, essays, and articles have appeared at Two Lines, Drunken Boat, Jacket, CLEAR, and PMLA, and he has regularly reviewed books for Rain Taxi and other venues. A graduate of Middlebury College (BA) and Yale University (PhD), he is Assistant Professor in the School of Chinese at the University of Hong Kong. With Haun Saussy and Jonathan Stalling he edited The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry: A Critical Edition, by Ernest Fenollosa and Ezra Pound (Fordham University Press, 2008), and with Clayton Eshleman co-translated a collection of Bei Dao poems, Endure (Black Widow Press, 2011). His translation Notes on the Mosquito: Selected Poems of Xi Chuan (New Directions, 2012) won the 2013 Lucien Stryk Prize and was shortlisted for the Best Translated Book Award.

柯夏智本科毕业于美国明德大学中文系,2010年获耶鲁大学东亚语言及文学系博士学位,现为香港大学中文学院助理教授。柯夏智博士2008年参与合编了埃玆拉-庞德和厄内斯特-弗诺罗塞的著作《The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry: A Critical Edition》并由Fordham University Press出版;2011年与美国诗人Clayton Eshleman合译出版北岛诗歌选集,并连续两年担任香港国际诗歌之夜活动的英文翻译编辑工作;2012年其翻译并由美国新方向出版社出版的西川诗选《蚊子志》被美国最佳翻译书籍大奖题名,并获得了Lucien Stryk亚洲文艺翻译大奖。


Butterfly in Snow

我为何来此? 背乡离井,朝 更死亡的方向逼近 别了吧,暖春啊, 暖春 何以如此残暴,凶狠? 持续向下的伏击,将 我的羽翼散乱,扑腾 狂醉的气流激起浪漫 谁的梦将我唤醒? 戴面具的影子悬空,赤裸 挥动旌旗,拍击浑圆的日鼓 那鼓声令我颤栗,耳叶纷坠 多么想跳一曲更刺骨的花舞哦 百合花瓣瓣赴死的卷扬, 旋滑 令这撕裂的爱情更凄美 我柔软的翼啊,会斑斓在下个春日?


Why have I come here? Far from home, toward A deader destiny So long, spring, my warm spring Why such violence, such brutality? The ambush continues downward, scattering My wings, thumping Ecstatic airflows, arousing romance Whose dream will wake me? A masked shadow perched high, naked Waving a flag, striking a round sun drum That shakes my trunk, ears falling like leaves How I long for a chilling flower dance A whirlwind of dying lily petals, sliding Bringing this torn love a sadder beauty By next spring will my soft wings be resplendent?


A Stranger's Autumn

帝国的秋日 易拉罐废弃 人民依然焦渴 高耸入云的黑烟 席卷GDP沉灰的天空 在通往地球的咽喉处 人民呼吸的鼻息淹没 帝国的群马狂奔 人民的庄稼被收割 不可啜饮的污水 挥霍鱼儿爱情的欢愉 在帝国苍茫的宫殿里 失败的旗帜飘扬 骰子弧线般抛击, 尖叫 广场上向日葵狼狈而逃


An Empire autumn Tin-can wastage People still thirsty Towering black smoke Rolling up a GDP-grey sky Passing through the throat of the earth The breath of the people is choked The Empire's horses gallop forth Crops of the people harvested Undrinkable wastewater Squandering fish's joyous love In the Empire's vast palaces Flags of failure wave Dice tossed in an arc, screaming Sunflowers flee the square

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